Leaf Hangers

No, am not talking about bats .. rather, a very beautiful creature .. also winged and probably are asleep at night. By the way, am not saying bats are ugly, I've seen a lot up close and even touched a few a long time ago, they look cute and very soft like hamsters except for they're not as furry as they are. Okay.. before I get lost .. let's get back to the leaf hangers.


So why do I call them leaf hangers? Well, I've never seen them do this in summer but just in case you haven't been in Europe, summer where I am means sunlight till 11 pm. I often see them feasting in the Buddleja in my garden but never hanging or resting under a leaf like these guys did.


That time, the sun set at almost 17:00 and almost every leaf hanger was under them leaves specially when it got dark . I wonder whether they also use the sun as their clock like our ancestors, did. Well, come to think of it they took their long sleep this way, too , didn't they?


I'm not a biologist nor an expert on leaf hangers but I wonder whether this is how they sleep. Dogs, curl themselves up in the corner, cats, too or on top of a closet, guinea pigs, lie flat on their back and sometimes on the side, chickens lie flat on their bellies and so do ducks, swans rest their long necks on their backs and tuck their beautiful faces on it and float in the water so I wonder whether my 2nd favorite flying insect turn into leaf hangers to sleep at night. Second favorite? Yes, I've mentioned what my first is - can you guess what that is. Shout it out in the comment. Clue? I've mentioned them in one of my latest posts.


Some were also just resting on stems and I wonder whether like fishes do they also actually shut those very alert looking eyes. Do you happen to know? Tell me in the comment below I'd love to find out.

By the way, not all of them turned into leaf hangers, some hung on to stems and flowers but you could tell they are asleep or resting like this one is. How? Keep reading till the end and you'll figure out what I mean.



I'm aware that right now some of them are still up and hiding somewhere warm. I wonder whether they actually hibernate they never taught us that in school. Had I not seen them suddenly hushed flattering their wings, I wouldn't have even noticed that some of them rolled their proboscis like so when they've turned leaf hangers. Can you imagine having such a long rolled tongue while sleeping? Only them leaf hangers look good at it. Oh well... Nature, so beautiful, vulnerable and pure.


This content's 100% mine. I took the pics with my Samsung Phones .

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