Poetry Slam Challenge 6: When the War Is Over

This is my entry for the Poetry Slam Challenge 6, (link), run by @prufarchy, and with thanks to @serejandmyself and @timsaid. My entry is, to the best of my knowledge, in the form of Prose.


In solitude I wept for an end to the silence
For an end to the fallen, downtrodden, forgotten
But in all that is living, life is sailing away
Never to stay in one place, never to come back again
But the horror is framed with the pictures that wont fade
Pray do tell how I may be relieved
But when the war started slowly I thought only once more
If I make it to midpoint then I should make it some more
But I have been pulled apart, pulled from all that is me
Lost in the deafening pull of belief

How can it be, how can it end up like this?
In circles repeated, circling all that is seen
Ad infinitem to the final nth degree
March off to war in the hope we'll be free
But look not at me for you'll see not a sight
You'll see not what is hidden by the darkness of night
But it's the price that one pays as they search for an end point
As they search for and hope for and reach out for the light
But the war never ends whilst it's battles are raging
Can peace foreclose whilst there's fight still within us?

When the war is over
Will life still be around?
To place a kiss on the forehead
To spill blood on the ground
But its reasons are many
And its hopes left unseen
But the soul knows only war
Whilst it lives in this dream 

Image Credit: Pixabay.com

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