The Whistleblowers (Series): #25 - British Hacker Accessed NASA and US Navy Computer Networks - Finding Images of UFO Space Vehicles & A Secret US Space Fleet - Gary McKinnon

In 2002, Gary McKinnon was arrested for hacking into totally insecure computer networks at NASA and various US Military installations. He states that he found numerous controversial data sources, including a list of 'Non-Terrestrial Officers', the names of several off-world military space vehicles, images of 'UFOs' and folders of images that were being processed to have their UFO content airbrushed out before being publicly distributed. After an 11 year legal battle, fighting US extradition and up to 70 years in jail it was eventually decided that he would not be extradited and remains a free man.

Gary's Background


Gary is a skilled computer administrator who had a fascination with science, science fiction and thus also UFO and related topics. After watching the 2001 Press Club Conference for ET/UFO Disclosure - in which numerous high ranking professionals from military/government came clean about the existence of ETs on Earth and the American Military's coverup and denial of the situation - he became intent on getting to the truth of the issue:

Gary's Testimony

Gary used very basic computer techniques to gain access to numerous American military and NASA facilities, which he says had almost no security configured on them at all. After exploring the networks for a few months - noting that there were numerous other visitors from around the world doing the same as he was - he started finding the highly sensitive information that he had been looking for.

Due to the low bandwidth / speed internet connection he was using (in the early days of the internet), he was unable to download much of the high quality images he found in the NASA and Navy networks that showed apparent ET Vehicles as well as members of the secret space program and their vehicles. He did though, download spreadsheets that contained some relevant data, which were taken from him at the time of his arrest.

Gary says that it was while he was attempting to view and download a sensitive image that the cursor on the screen of the computer that he was remotely accessing began to move due to someone in the military base noticing his presence and his connection was cut. Shortly afterwards he was arrested by British police and his legal battle began.

Fighting Extradition

Initially, he was told by British police that he would not be facing any serious charges, but after the police visited Washington, their position changed and they let him know that the American military wanted him to face a heavy penalty for 'hacking' and 'causing damage' - even though he had not caused any damage and they were, as usual - lying.

After numerous court actions and stressful years, it was eventually decided by the British Home Secretary that he would not face extradition - the reasons given were that he was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome and was at high risk of suicide.

Video Testimonies

Gary was recently interviewed by Richard Hall for his 'Rich Planet' Series:

Got Comments?

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Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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