Contests, Contests, Contests! - Celebrating My 4th Week on Steemit!

Did I mention contests? Thank you to everyone who helped make my forth week here on Steemit so incredible. It's been a whirlwind of a week to say the least. I have continued to connect with new and long-time members of the Steemit community and continue to make contributions back whenever I can.

In the past week I passed my 200 follower milestone. Thank you to all my new supporters, welcome aboard. As you might have noticed I have many interests and cover many topics in my posts each week.

I also entered into five, That's right 5, contests this week including my second week with @tonyr's Drawing Contest, my second week with @nspart's NSFW Whaleshares Photography Contest ( I just WON 1st PLACE! ), @merej99's massive Community Building Challenge (The Beast), @stargarden's Whaleshares Royal Court Art contest, and @daveks's B & W Macro Photo Contest. The other contests are all wrapping up in the next day or two.

I also started my new weekly series on Home Gardening with Hydoponics. I am trying to make that a regular "Thursday" post, but with my crazy contest schedule this week, it got bumped to later today. It's exciting, I have so much great information to share with everyone.

As I will do every week, my @kalemandra #RainbowMontage @ColorChallenge post will explore the colors from some of my favorite posts I submitted during the week. All the images and photos were created or taken by me. Please enjoy and follow along with me as I continue my journey here on Steemit.


Here are the links to some of my posts featured in this collage:

Whaleshares Royal Court Art Contest Entry ( 15 Progress Pictures )

Home Gardening with Hydroponics - Our Indoor Lettuce Wall Garden and How I Built It

Sunset Silhouettes and a Dragonfly Up Close and Personal ( 4 Original Photos )

Cartoon Penguin ~ Drawing Contest Entry (@Tonyr)

Epcot Center at Night, Walt Disney World Florida

Exactly what color is Indigo? Painted Tiger Lily

Pictures from Universal's Volcano Bay

yep... I accidentally put 3rd week in my title when I posted, but it's my 4th week. Sleep deprived from all the contests. lol.

Let me know what you think, please leave your comments below.

As always, please upvote this post and follow me if you like my work and want to see more.

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Thanks for reading!

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