Scientists Entangle 3000 Atoms and My 3000 Follower Milestone ❤

Less than 5 months ago I joined Steemit due to a random link I clicked while learning about cryptos. I, like most of you, joined almost immediately, lured by the tempting numbers found on the Trending page. But what I did not know, and never could have imagined, was how much more Steemit was, and how deeply I would be drawn.

Steemit is an innovative concept. And quite surreal if you truly give it some thought. What would you have done two years ago if someone told you that you would be earning money by posting to a social media platform? And not like with a blog mind you, where you buy a domain and hosting and design and post and advertise daily, leave your blog to search for info and techniques on how to grow and monetize it, and put in many hours searching for a readership. Just making money by posting.

And have everything you need for success in the very same place?

You would have laughed and changed the subject after rolling your internal eyes. And he who told you would have laughed too, albeit nervously, and quickly helped you with the changing of the subject.

And the community. Where else can you find what we have here? On other social medias, you start with your family and friends, then you branch out to your friends’ friends. Then coworkers of associates of friends.

Here you make followers -some of whom become friends- based on you, the type of person you are, and what your interests are- not who you know.

And not all of your friend's friends are supportive or wish for mutual success and camaraderie as your Steemit peeps ;)

Recently scientists broke the quantum record by entangling 3000 atoms. Previously they were only able to entangle pairs of atoms. When atoms are entangled, what is done to one impacts the others- even if one is on Earth and another on Jupiter. A change in one instantaneously induces a change in others. If you change the spin on one to clockwise, the others immediately flip their spins.

We are but rapidly moving atoms! And we Steemians could have saved the scientists years of research had they looked our way. What one of us does here on Steemit has a direct effect on others.

We must remember to use this power wisely. Use the massive potentials we- each and every one of us on Steemit- possess for good. We need to spread the wealth, be generous and kind. We have the power to uplift, to make someone’s day, to change lives.

Thank you so much for the past 5 months. You have changed my life, every one of you. You are each special and amazing individuals I did not even know existed until a few months ago pre Steemit. I now talk with wonderful people from all parts of the world every day! I look forward to coming here each day and sharing and reading and talking about random things with you. You brighten my life!

Some people have an addiction to Facebook or other social media platforms. I can honestly say I do not have an addiction to Steemit. I have an addiction to interacting with every one of you. You just happen to congregate here, the corner where all the cool cats hang ;) You brighten my day, even when I am just observing you brightening someone else’s day. In this day and age there really isn’t a lot of that anymore. We are fortunate to see so much of this here on Steemit.


Let's work together for the greater good for all. We are stronger together!

As a special thank you in honor of my 3000 Followers, I am giving away $30+ SBD! Enter HERE today!

Thank you again my friends. I look forward to another 5 months :)

One day at a time, one smile at a time, one change at a time, 3000 particles at a time ♡


I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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