LIVING Values, Not Just Talking About Them: Calling on the Steemit Community to Prove What Kind of World They Want to See

We have mixed feelings about the reception of our last posts, as well as many of our other posts.

Because our resources are already dedicated to helping people, we will not take from them to finish our floor. We are running a specific campaign to finish our project. With what little funds we have raised from our posts on Steemit thus far, we're putting into feeding people every day. 

We created a sustainable masterpiece, and request upvotes from the Steemit community to help us finish our incredible floor. Each upvote generates resources that don't really cost any user anything, and with that we could transform the Steem raised into real, tangible, material goods to finish our project. 

We greatly appreciate the outpouring of support and encouragement in the comments of our post! Everyone is impressed with our project, and rightly so--EPIC is an understatement for what we've accomplished.

While we've gotten numerous upvotes (and we give thanks for each and every one!), we have not yet raised the funds we will need to purchase sealant. 

This is discouraging when we see people calling each other names, or taking photos of their sushi dinners at fancy restaurants and raising thousands of dollars for such triviality, yet we are a sustainable community that achieves tangible success feeding, clothing, housing, and sheltering tens of thousands of people a year and our values of creating a better world and BEING the change goes unjustly compensated.

We are extremely devoted to our standards. Not only do we not pay rent, not only did we not turn on the air conditioner once throughout the Texas summer, but we've lived without a floor for close to a year. We never once paid someone to fix it because we simply do not spend the funds we have already promised to help others, and we're not about to do that now. We realize that Steemit is paying $20-30,000 a day in post payouts--all we need is 1% of that. Steemit is supporting people fighting, and an individual spending more on one meal in a restaurant than we have spent as a community in an entire year.

Again, this is about values.

Never ones to complain, we focus on solutions!

We want to bring quality content to Steemit, and we have been dedicated and consistent in doing so. We want to participate only in mutually beneficial exchanges. 

We do not feel entitled to anything, nor do we need support to do what we do, but we also do not want to waste our time developing  information that is not useful and helpful to this community. 

If the Steemit curators value fluffy content of fancy dinners, we would like to prove that we regularly provide GREAT food at a higher standard than restaurants. What we share creates a better, more sustainable world for ALL! We genuinely improve more lives by living our values, and we will continue to do so.

Here's more about our unique relationship with food.

This is a series of mouthgasmic recipes we share (all the food is FREE!):

And you can read this post about the FREE 5 course meal we catered for 100 people.

With that being said, today instead of finishing our floors, we're going to focus on our foundation and do what we do so well: we're going to feed more people. We have lived without a floor for almost a year, we can do it longer if need be. We are aware and committed to what is truly important. 

We have resources in great abundance, and it is our honor and duty and right to support our fellow man. No none of us get paid anything for this, no we use no government funding and no we have no sponsorship. We just work hard EVERY DAY. 

We've got the rocket stoves fired up and are preparing a feast to pack up and deliver to people in need.

It is illegal to do this where we are without complying with a series of costly regulations and restrictions. We are not ones that bend to systems we find dishonorable, so our act of compassion will also be one of civil disobedience. With or without support, we are changing the world and living uncompromising to our values. 

We hope the Steemit community is inspired by the revolution we are LIVING.

More to come!

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