Boston to Los Angeles with some places in between learning about crypto and meeting people in my travels to a blockchain event this week

Recap of travels from New York months ago here and there to Los Angeles this week. From getting to go to Consensus where I met people from AppTrade, bitshares, eos, OpenLedger, steem(it), and so much in New York. Had a great time & experience with many especially @apptrade & @fuzzy and many more while getting to meet and shake the hands of @dan & @ned! Getting to know some of these people more over the past two months with lots of fun, challenging, and rewarding crypto experiences. Learning so much and always so much more to learn! Shared a room with @fuzzy so got to spend time with him and meeting all sorts of people in the crypto community that had been at the conference!
Even a little before all of this I helped with ideas of some tokens which I have found as one of my interests being akin to games & collectibles in some ways which have always been of interest and part of my life.
Was great to see Zappl is now 100% funded. by @zappl in less than two weeks partially to my assistance. As a thank you I offered a VIRGROW / ZAPPLE share drop which I hope to some day look forward to offering to some others tokens and token holders.
Reaching the milestone of a rep(utation of 70): ❣ Virtualgrowth has reached a rep of 70 ❣
Quick Thank you to everyone! Great to meet some people at Consensus!
Checking out EOS

Was struggling back then some nights with ringing ears since getting Meningitis. But fortunately not as bad as last year. Just taking time to review things and share them as I explore my crypto journey going to more new chapters. This past week has been challenging to sleep some nights so I have posted as much as I would like. Some people have asked me for feedback on some things and praise me for being me which is always greatly appreciated. Whatever I may help with, with my experience and knowledge. Also think I have some good places for my mind to think some good crypto stuff up in line with my busyness and philosophy ideas.
Wanted to do more this week, but ears ringing and short on sleep

Having been able to give away tokens to users on the bishares platform I have worked to continue with these which include some market summary and am open to new ideas while I evolve the idea into a new one over time as well. More of this will happen over the next week depending on my schedule as I will be helping to manage a crypto company projects idea and think tank alng with attending a crypto conference where I may find myself on both sides of the booth checking things out and working with AppTrade/bitshares/OpenLedger in some way(s). So will have much more to write about soon as well! My crypto giveaways will change in some way which will be explained in more details sometime in the near future.
Steem, BTS, and Asset Market Update 7/18 and Giveaway for 7/25
Bitshares Trading Contest Pre-Announcement Idea

Shortly after Consensus @ned came to @steemspeak and talked about many things which happened to include some mention of meta tokens. We shall see what comes of all of this over time. For more about that you may check out a post which I attempted to partially write out in real time for those unable to attend and listen live. Then adding a video recording thanks to @fyrstikken.
Ned Scott talked on SteemSpeak (informal quick live snippet summary)
Around this time I wrote a post about Virtualgrowth thinking of traveling more with STEEM & Crypto which has led to me traveling with crypto being more and more of my main focus in my life. This led to thinking about the possibility to going to SteemFest which was announced around this time with many scurrying to get ready to go by reserving hotel rooms, plane tickets, and working on getting and saving up funds.
Steemfest! Start to start thinking, planning, and saving up! (and steemfest recent links)
[save the date] SteemFest 2017 - Creamy & Delicious - 1/2/3 (+4/5) November - Lisbon by @roelandp whom I go to have the great pleasure of meeting in New York at Consensus by the way!
Finding time to support various charities and donation related ideas and projects on steemit. Helping by adding funds in some cases and to increase awareness in others. Always great t help out minnows in one way or another.
Charity of Giving Donations / Tips to Steemit Users
Contributions, Donations, Giveaways - Spirit of Giving - Vote for who virtualgrowth (and others?) to tip!

Then there was an interesting experience of someone with an idea to bring some game idea to steemit. But the community didn't feel right about it. What is interesting is that with the (swift) action the game and account had left steem within 24 hours. Not to shed light on this particular situation, but more so to show the power of the community in regards to those with STEEM POWER and higher reputation. Such users along with the army of dolphins and minnows we were able to essentially bury a post / user. Believe this shows some good aspects of such that we may band together on what we mostly agree upon and take action to do what may be best for the steem blockchain and community as a whole. I also captured the original post which was deleted and posted in my post in case some may be interested.
Hello MOGUL Game, Where's the Game, Gold, and Prizes?; Seems Steem(it) didn't like the idea!
Leading to my plan to go to the WSOP (World Series of Poker) in Las Vegas to play poker. Although I didn't play poker anywhere near as much as I usually do or thought I would I spent much time focusing on crypto and steemit.
Who would've thought I would skip off from Vegas on a weekend to fly to a Steemit MeetUp!?

Not me, I can tell you that much. But it led to Virtualgrowth will be going to STEEMY SUMMER PARTY IN MISSOURI IS ON: JUNE 24, 2017 4PM-9PM with a chance to meet @sykochica who I had worked with on her idea of @steemprentice which I have evolved into a crowd account to vote on members as a way to support users and grow and share STEEM. Look forward to meeting again on STP: @steemittalk Podcast (website)... STP Episode 043 - 07/08/2017 :: w/ Special Guest - @TimCliff

Initially I replied, "50% chance of attending as I would like to, but not near by but traveling around I may stop by for this. Will better figure out my travels as this gets closer." But then I got to see a few responses by @jacobts, "Wow. Much agreed. It would be a humble honor to meet you and the other pillars of power here in person.", and @stellabelle, "it would be so cool if you could come. I know we would have a lot to discuss, especially the Steemgigs stuff....which I am going to focus on more now... plus you're such a cool person. Please?" Just couldn't pass up this opportunity!
@jacobts made A Thank You Letter to Virtual Growth which was quite awesome so had to write one back ✉ ✍ Namaste and Thank You JacobTS (and many more) ✍ ✉
Also congrats for being involved and supporting @peerity-io with a crowdfund and a token on bitshares too!
Peerity - - a social activity network
PEERCROWDFUND on bitshares - First Package to Virtualgrowth!
Also got to meet @jessamynorchard while recording her perform some songs for us live and put together some of her history which she shares in her posts: ♫Jessamyn Orchard - Live at KC Steemit Summer Party and Steemit Local Music Society! ♬
Support #SteemGIgs & #SteemShop along the way SteemGig: Learn About SteemGigs and SteemShop OR Post or Purchase a Good or Service!
Taking a moment to say that it was great to see the support that @darthnava got from the community. Having a mental illness and so very fortunate to be worse off than I am. Thanks to those helping @darthnava as I have MRI Results Are Not Encouraging Either. He now has more STEEM POWER because of this and is able to give back through voting nd curating for having been helped get through his surgery which you may read more about if interested.
@theprophet0 Witness Update: @nextgencrypto & @dan Voted For My Witness, ON THE SAME DAY! [100% OF THE LIQUID REWARDS FROM THIS BLOG WILL BE DONATED TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN & @VIRTUALGROWTH] by @theprophet0

Moment to congratulate @theprophet0 as well as thank him for donating to me which is great appreciated! may make an effort to meet him in the next month along with going to the @gardenofeden by the end of the year sometime. Also a big thank you to @quinneaker for supporting a recent effort to help @mrwang while exploring the idea of giving a loan while an account is put up for collateral. Some have inquired about possibly getting a loan too. So I shall explore this idea more with others who may be interested.
Steem Loan Idea Being Explored with a loan to @mrwang managed by @virtualgrowth
Giveaways have done quite while at times enabling me to give away over $500 in value of tokens some weeks in my efforts to share and spread wealth. Which is in the form of tokens that people get for free so they are free to do what they want with them. Held them, keep them, save them, exchange them, trade them, learn about them, learn about trading. However and whatever they may choose. This has allowed me to spend countless hours helping people learn more about crypto and trading as well!
Where in the world is virtualgrowth?, and over $500 in giveaways in a week!

Was during this time that I had met Daniel from @apptrade. Who has not made a post yet. But will be working to make sure that happens soon. We found each other having been meaning to talk for months after a few short times. Him like others I have found to share great energy and similar ideas. He found me after Consensus and we talked for many hours discovering we have many similar ideas. So much in fact that when I came to Las Vegas he and part of his team flew out to meet me and we stayed together! I listened in on some phones calls and even gave my input like with other people and projects I have come upon in my travels. Greatly looking forward to be working with the @apptrade team sometime tomorrow by the way.
Interestingly enough during the time we were together I found AppTrade's APPX.WARRANTs issued and available on bitshares in my wallet and was one of the first to trade the token and find myself helping make their market as i have with numerous others.
Greatly looking forward to Viva and @tradeqwik which is busy with development by @williambanks. But recently got some TQS along with stocking up on some VIVA available at!
Tradeqwik Exchange Expands Core Team and Coin Offerings, Launches TQS Asset
Swimming what seemed to be a Red Sea of crypto prices which are now back in the Green so back to crypto trading after shifting in and out of many crypto but always having my STEEM POWER.
Virtualgrowth swimming through the Red Sea of Crypto with VIRGROW and exploring steem project links
Then I found interest in a project called STEEMIT PARK* in New York where I sponsored a bench which has my name on it so I will have a seat when I got here!
STEEMIT PARK Bench to be Sponsored by virtualgrowth

Excited to see the SPL: Steemit Poker League too having a love for crypto and poker although not having time to play with them just yet, but hopefully soon!
Steem(it) Poker League: Can't Wait to Play - Exploring Recent Links
Looking forward to what my new travels in Los Angeles bring me starting this week with @apptrade, a blockchain conference, OpenLedger, maybe GameCredits, and who knows what else! Best,