How to Learn English for Free

English is one of the most complicated languages to learn. There are a number of websites and programs that charge money in exchange for teaching you, but some of us might not have the available funds to spend.

My Grandpa's dream was to immigrate to America. He worked hard to realize his dream. One of the barriers he faced was learning English. Back then there was no internet, and books teaching languages were much harder to come by. Besides, he did not have the funds to spend on instruction, so he had to get creative.

A popular America Folk Singers album was making hot waves across Europe, and when my Grandpa heard her he scrimped and saved and bought her record. He played her record repeatedly, whenever he had spare time. To him, Brenda Lee embodied the American Dream. At first, he did not understand her, but he focused on the sounds and emotions she portrayed through the music, and over time through repetiton he learned basic English. All from one musicians record.

The experts agree- the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. Whether you pay for classes or find free resources you need to practice it constantly daily: listen to it and speak it and use it.

How did you learn your native language? Nobody bought you fancy teachers. You listened and practiced and used it all the time daily. You were completely immersed- your language was all around you in every way every day- television, radio, mail and magazines on the table, and of course your parents and everyone around you spoke constantly.

You too can learn English as a second language for free in this manner. Or any language you choose.

Find English television and radio stations and keep them on as you go about your daily routines. Your mind will quickly start to pick up on words and phrases and memorize them, correlating them into your native language equivalent.

Get ahold of some English magazines and "read" them. Using the photos as guides, "figure out" what the articles are saying. Keep these magazines laying out so you see them constantly.

Find a couple English novels. Do the same thing and "read" them. Easier books aimed at children or teens can be helpful in this regard, as the pictures will help your mind know what is going on in the story to eliminate much guesswork.

Flashcards are helpful. Write top English words and phrases on index cards with the translation written on the back. This will also help you track your progress. Make them colorful if you can- research shows colors help the brain remember things better.

Watch American YouTube and DTube videos. Pick a subject you are into- say cars. Find the English translation of that and related words- cars, trucks, vehicles, etc, and search the videos with for those words in the title, then play them. It helps when it is a subject you are passionate about because you will be more excited and inclined to figure out what they are saying, which stimulates your brain to work harder.

It's better with a friend! If there are two of you learning the language, you can practice on each other. Spend the day with English TV or radio playing, and make a rule that you can only talk to each other in English. This will train your brain faster.

The key is you must immerse yourself in the language you are learning. Listen to it, speak it, live it! If you surround yourself and commit to only English, you will learn it faster and easier.

You can find free English tidbits if you look around: free newspapers, menus, booklets, and of course the internet is a vast resource. Start small, and remember to be patient with yourself. English is a difficult language to learn! Congratulate yourself for your efforts!

Happy Steeming my friends!

Do you have any fun or interesting tips on learning English? Share them in the comments!

Images via Pexels and Unsplash

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