10 Fun Writing Exercises For Winter Break

Just because it's winter break doesn't mean you should lax on your writing! To be a good writer, as with anything, you must practice every day.

Here are 10 fun and easy writing exercises to keep the creative ink following. You can even do these if you only have a few minutes a day! But I promise you, you usually keep going after the five-minute timer has dinged :)

Mixing Metaphors

Brainstorm a few overused metaphors and replace the last word of each metaphor with something random or creative.

Twisted Tale

Rewrite a fairy tale from the bad guys perspective.

Hook 'em

The best stories have a killer beginning to reel the reader in. Hook 'em in 150 words.

The Worst Invention

What invention would you un-invent and why.

Create a Life

Open your favorite image search engine and type "old man" or "young lady", click the third page of results so it's random, and write a story about the first image. Develop a character- age, likes, demographics, hopes, past, etc.

5 Minute Freewrite

Join a freewrite hosted by @mariannewest. She posts a new prompt daily. Set your timer for five minutes and write about it. You'll be surprised at how well your creativity works when you're under the pressure of time!

Granted Hour

You are granted an extra hour in your day, but you can't use it for anything you normally do. Write about what you would do.

Dear Santa

I don't care how old you are! Write a letter to Santa!

Looking Back

Write a diary entry like it's December 31, 2018. Detail all you have accomplished in 2018.


Write the titles to your next ten Steemit posts. This has a nice side effect of inspiration if you get writers block ;)

What is your favorite go to writing exercise? Share in the comments!

Images via pixabay

I appreciate your support :)

With Love, Light and Good Mojo!


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