How to Lead Them to Focus on the Positive With Science!

Like attracts like.

When you choose to focus on the negative, I'm going to fail the exam! I'm not ready, or a girl like that is out of my league. I have nothing to offer her, or I can never afford that, you are reinforcing the exact things you don't want to happen.

The time you spend focusing negatively can be altered, and subsequently, change the frequency of your energy!

Everything is energy. Rapidly moving atoms. Particles in a blanket are moving faster and more freely than particles in a door. The more solid and hard an object is, the slower it's atoms, or energy is moving.

Thoughts are energy, too. You must first think something before an action happens. "I need to turn off the light" must happen before you get up to flip the switch. Grumbles and sighs and "I need to get up" precedes your rolling out of bed and stumbling to the shower.

When you realize this, you will begin to catch yourself using negatives all the time, like the ones in the beginning of the article. This is easy to change, it just takes a conscious mind-check ;)

Begin by being mindful and catching yourself doing this. Then rearrange the thought to fall along the positive spectrum.

I'm going to fail the exam! I'm not ready, can be rearranged to I studied for the exam, and I know I'll do my best. You see how I did not change it to something outlandish like I'm going to ace the exam! because if you had a thought of failing just now, it's probably because you know you didn't study as much as you could have.

She is out of my league. I have nothing to offer her should be changed to, She is a prize. I will have to work hard to win her over, but she is worth my effort.

These seemingly subtle changes have a massively profound effect! You've heard Newtons Law of Motion ~ "An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by an external, unbalanced force." This simply means that energy will continue to flow in the direction you set it until or unless you change it.

Set the energy, in this case the energy of your thoughts, on a positive path, and they will continue going that way.

Or in other words~ a positive thought process keeps you positive and open for more positive.

I know what you're thinking right now. "But she titled this post "How to lead them to focus on the positive..."

Well, you cannot change others unless you yourself are living how you wish them to be. You must be the change you wish to see.

People young and old follow your example, not what you tell them to follow. Can you imagine an obese personal trainer sitting on his butt telling you to stop eating fast food and do 100 squats through the mouthful of McDonalds he just bit into?

Most children of smokers start smoking as early as their teens. Even the ones whose parents tell them never to smoke. Why? By nature, humans do what they see, not what they're told.

When you begin realizing your negatives, you will see them in others as well. And you can gently correct them by leading.

If a child says, "I'm gonna fail the exam", you say, "I know you've been paying attention, and you studied. You will do your absolute best!" This will lead their thoughts to "Yeah, I did pay attention, and I did well on my homework," and ease the pressure and stress away from worry.

If he says, "She's out of my league, I have nothing to offer her," you remind him that he has a great job and just got a promotion, he doesn't live with his parents, and he is loyal and funny- all qualities women go crazy for!

Gentle leading will change their thought energy, which will set them on the path for positive success.

But you must first be the change you wish to see :)

Happy Monday my friends! Lets make this a spectacular week!

Images via Creative Commons

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With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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