#STEEMLORDS - Lord Silvernova stops in at the Pirate Port Of Pleasure

The warriors, lords, nobles, zombies, wombats, dragons, unicorns, donkeys, boats and all other manor of beings are descending upon HIMLING, the next phase of the quest is drawing close and our hero's are having the times of their lives.

Welcome to #steemlords !!!

The sun was sneaking in through the port window, the sounds of seagulls could be heard in the distance and a strange voice was whispering in the air. The voice that had eased Sir Silvernova from his slumber was the song of the mermaids. A lure to all the men of the sea, singing promises of good times and cheap drinks.

Cheap drinks, he thought to himself, that's a little odd!

He pulled himself to his feet, clambered up the stair way and burst out onto the deck of the Dwarf Traders Guild ship. The sunlight dazed his vision, and he covered his eyes with one hand, while stumbling forward with his other hand outstretched. His hand came to a rest against something study and for some reason Ice Cold. 

His eyes adjusting to the light, Sir Silvernova peered in front of him until his eyes focused on the gigantic Ice Dragon sitting on the deck of the boat, cowering away from the sea water lapping at the sides of the ship. 

The dragon made eye contact and sort of game him a nod, like a “hey what's up, bro?” kind of nod.

“Whoa that's a new one” he muttered to himself.

Hearing that voice again, the soothing sirens song, the sweet melodies of the mermaids, Sir Silvernova began to look around the ship looking for it’s source. He could see large sharks circling the rear of the boat, as if waiting for a catastrophe to occur to provide them some easy to catch tasty snacks. 

Looking to the port side (left side) he saw loads of pirate ships moored in a harbour and then looking around to the other side (starboard) he saw the origins of the beautiful song……..The Pirate Port of Pleasures and the beautiful song emanating from the buildings. 

This Island getaway is a hop skip and a jump from Himling, and is a regular stop off for the degenerate pirates of the east. Luckily for Sir Silvernova the Dwarf Trade Guild has a working arrangement with he pirate guilds.

At The Pirate Port Of Pleasures you can find the world famous “Pirate pit stop bar and grill”, where fresh shark sushi is served alongside grilled shark, and on Sundays you can have a crab to go with that as well as a side of chips, but only on Sundays.

There is also the infamous, the glamorous, shoal dancing mermaids. Yes being a shoal dancer is an acceptable line of work for a mermaid! For those who have not seen the graceful art of Shoal Dancing, a glass tank houses around 30 mermaids, who form a shoal (like a shoal of fish - mermaid fish)and dance and gyrate to music. 

“This will be a great place for regathering myself and getting some answers” he thought to himself, it seems his recollection of the last day’s events were a little hazy.

He rembered his quest to the rally point, his adventures on Crete and then it gets a little fuzzy. Some memories didn’t quite feel right and he wanted to get to the bottom of it. It couldn't just be the drinking with the dwarfs. He thought about the visit from the Baroness, the captivating baroness had been having a bad time of it, with a booking at the local Sober town motel, she had been feeling a bit off. A few puffs of his Halflings Leaf had helped dull the pain, sparking the Baroness into action and reinvigorating her to make haste for Himling (Read her story here). She had been kind enough to trade a bottle of Ambrosia for some of his leaf, before departing on Shaduppaurface with Deveerei onboard. He would look forward to encountering the captivating baroness further into the quest for excalibur.

He also remembered seeing his good friend Sir Pheli who called by to enlist Sir Silvernovas help in defeating some nasty Ghosts from Hades (Read Here.) It was a good thing Sir Silvernova had partied with the ghosts in question previously, so a good round of halflings leaf and some old stories from Rivendell, and they were ready to go on their way, with the last of his nasty Westeros strain leaf in their ghost pockets. He was glad to see the back of that stuff! Although come to think of it, it seemed Sir Pheli had a new suit of armour and a fire breathing dragon. Maybe he knew about the ice dragon on board.

Sir Silvernova was puzzled, he was not one to have a bad memory (yea right) and he had resisted the urge to try the Ambrosia and still had it safely tucked away in his backpack, so that cant have been the reason for the foggy brain.

As soon as the dwarf boat made dock, Sir Silvernova embarked to find the nearest oracle. Within 5 min, an oracle by the name of “Showus yourcashus” had captured his attention. After paying a consultant fee, a seers tax, a donation and some money for her sickness, the oracle informed Sir Silvernova that he had died. 

“Whaaat your shitting me!”

“But obviously you are alive now” she continued, “You were killed by a powerful being (read here)who after feeling some remorse decided to have you revived. He was then able to gift you the fine silver armour and an amazing beast, an Ice Dragon!” (Read here) and with that Showus yourcashus’s power left her, and she settled back in her seat, saying”well that's all I’ve got for ya Sir Silvernova, please come again soon.”

Well at least Sir Silvernova had some answers now so he made haste to the ship. Although on arrival at the ship he noticed that the dwarfs were totally captivated by the shoal dancers and there was no hope in motivating them to depart. 

Returning to the ship, he noticed the ice dragon on board. He decided he would give this ago, slowly walking up with his hand outstretched saying calming things, he got near enough and then jumped on the back of the magical beast. 

The beast turned it’s head and spoke to Sir Silvernova.

“I am a powerful Ice Dragon and I can take you where you need to go, I will fight by your side and be your friend until my last breath, just don’t take me surfing, I hate the salt water! Oh and do you think you could give me a name, or this trip may prove a bit awkward?’

Thinking for a little, Sir Silvernova replied “ Yes I think I will call you Collin the Chiller” not knowing how exactly to tell the sex of a dragon he hoped he hadn’t caused any offence to the beast.

“Hmmmm, I suppose that will do or maybe I could suggest Constantine the Colossal.”

“Yea all right Constantine, you have your self a partner.”

With that they took to the skies, leaving the dwarfs to the mermaids, probably never to be seen again!

What a wonderfull way to travel, Sir Silvernova thought to himself as they circled a clearing near the Monestary where he would find the High Priest of Himling. 

Touching down to the ground aboard Constantine, Sir Silvernova saw some familiar faces. He made his way over to his #steemsilvergold guild friend, Sir Pheli to catch up on events past. He wondered if he should inform Sir Pheli of the extent of their adventure and consequential death, but decided against it. It was time to look forward and focus on the task at hand …. Excalibur and the power of the Steem!


It seems the #Steemlords may soon receive the permission to cross the channel to Forlindon on the mainland. What an adventure it has been so far, and there is still more to come.

Stay tuned and support all the participants, there are some amazing stories being contributed and the character interactions are adding all sorts of twist and turns. 

This truly is the quest of a lifetime!

See Lord Silvernova’s previous journey

Sir Silvernova Encounters Females Of The Dangerous Kind

Lord Silvernova has visions, a Criminalian close encounter and the start of his quest.

Lord Silvernova answers the rally call. An introduction and the start of the journey

See more posts from @silvernova


Steemlords is presented by @sirknight and be sure to check out the other crazy lords in this quest

1 @bearone Baroness Bearone The Dazzling

2 @bmj Lord Bmj The Larrikin

3 @choogirl ChooXena Vegan Warrior Princess

4 @drwom BattleWom The Warrior Wombat

5 @gmuxx Sir Muxxy The Brave

6 @jackmiller Sir Jack The Anti-Deliverance

7 @nenad-ristic Lord Nenad The Eternal Nomad

8 @phelimint Sir Pheli The Twin Hunters

9 @scooter77 Sir Scooterless The Dragonrider

10 @gohba-handcrafts Lord Gohba - The Blacksmith

11 @sirstackalot Sir Stack-a-Lot The Collector

12 @spaingaroo Spaingaroo Gruntslinger The Vile

13 @steembusiness Lord Steem The Glorious

14 @thinknzombie Squire StinknZombalot Brain Eater of Byron Bay

15 @tremendospercy Lord Percival The Magnificent

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