Voting is now Live for the 2018 Steem Silver Round design!

This is the voting post for the Steem Silver Round design. You will have until this post pays out in 7 days to cast your votes. We will be doing this in multiple rounds, like 2 but perhaps 3 if it's required. This first round we expect to have 8-4 clear front runners and they they will move into a next round of voting. From that we do hope to have a clear winner, but if not we will move to a final head to head round with the top 2 designs from round 3.

Official Rules

  1. Winners will be chosen by numbers of votes not value
  2. Bot or other automated or trail votes do not count
  3. Please only vote for 1-3 designs max.
  4. Only votes in the official comments by me, below will be counted and not any additional comments or sub comments.

Each design will be in the post with the design then underneath a #, designers name and link to there initial post. Many designs have a background or story behind the design, and I will right STORY with those designs as well to suggest you read the background that goes with the design, but otherwise this post would just be far to long. You will also find a comment with the number and image of each design, that is where you need to cast your vote.


#1, @bearone Post-STORY

#2 @fat-elvis POST

#3 @meilo1995 POST

#4 @edxerverus POST

#5 @skeptic Post-STORY

#6 @knowledge-seeker Post-STORY

#7 @marlon241982 POST

#8 @ideaman Post-STORY

#9 @skeptic POST

#10 @edxseverus POST

#11 @skeptic POST

#12 @welchstacker Post-STORY

#13 @ricko66 Post-STORY

#14 @ricko66 Post-STORY

#15 @photoquest POST

#16 @skeptic POST

#17 @yesaye Post-STORY

#18 @artwithflo POST-Story

#19 @orionsbeltbuckle POST

#20 @orionsbeltbuckle POST

#21 @mariae POST

#22 @owenwat Post-STORY

#23 @owenwat Post-STORY

#24 @smartcoins Post-STORY

#25 @mikkolyytinen Post-STORY

#26 @edxserverus POST

#27 @dandesign86 POST Unfortunately I need to include a disclaimer with this one, that cost to produce the round with the cut out center are much to prohibitive so bear in mind it would be the second version.

Well that's it, only 27 designs!

Please support your favorite designs. Once the design is picked we will submit it to the mint and get a more concrete timeline, at that point we may also consider taking preorders, otherwise please not sales inquiries at this time.

As previously all SBD earned from this post's payout will be donated to @steemsilverround to help fund the project and keep costs down for everyone. You may also feel free to send any donations to that account as well.

May the best design win!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column