Choose Your Life Story

If you could choose a story to live, what would it be? Would you be squeezing into the TARDIS on Doctor Who? Sneaking Sheldon's spot on the couch in Big Bang Theory, or keeping up with the plastic Kardashians?

We are what we expose ourselves to, just as much as we are who we hang with. If you focus on negatives, you will find much more negative in your reality. Experts encourage regular "News fasts" to rid ourselves of at least some of the negatives some of the time.

It's nutritious for the soul.

Poet Muriel Rukeyser weaves her words to show us that our Universe is composed of stories. All the rapidly moving atoms create many different tales. Some are big blockbusters and make it into the history books, but most are important to a small but loyal fan following. We each are the star of our story; we experience an episode of our "life series" every day. And occasionally a story mixes with ours and forms a new spin off for one season or 50.

During early Christianity there were hundreds of books written with depictions and teachings of Jesus Christ. By the mid 300's, only one was deemed the "truth" and the others ordered destroyed. This one book was titled the New Testament, and was backed by the political motives of the Roman Empire.

"History is a tale told by the victors." Remember this as you write the plot to your story. Remember that your accounts hold more truth but may not become a blockbuster for the masses if you don't have the powerful financial backing of the "producers." But if it's a good story you will certainly become an indie cult classic ;)

Physicist Werner Heisenberg declares that our Universe is made of music, not matter. It makes sense when you remember the frequency of atoms have rhythm. And music is memory- when you hear a song you are transported to your first kiss, or your first breakup, or the best party of your High School career.

During the Fukishima disaster, residents of Asia and the West Coast of America were urged to consume good, food grade iodine. It is found in many foods or can be taken in supplement form. This is because if we didn't have enough of the good iodine, we will absorb the radioactive iodine which entered the food chain and develop thyroid maladies- or worse. On the same note, unless we fill ourselves with enough vitalizing and healthful stories, we are susceptible to the poisons that surround us.

If you frequently expose yourself to toxic stories and music, you end up living in an unpleasant Universe.

Thoughts create energy and energy is the form of all life. Good, positive stories give us good and positive thought, which positively charges the energy of our reality.

Nourish your energy with nutritious and yummy tunes and tales that inspire you. Make your life story a fun and happy adventure filled with positive breakthroughs and successfully witty one liners.

Write your story and make it a good one. You are the Star after all.

Images via Pixabay

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