Unproven Chapter Seventy Two "Enduring Friendships"

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three

Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six

Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two Chapter Twenty Three Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five Chapter Twenty Six Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight Chapter Twenty Nine Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty One Chapter Thirty Two Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Four Chapter Thirty Five Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Seven Chapter Thirty EightChapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Forty Chapter Forty One Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Forty Three Chapter Forty Four Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Six Chapter Forty Seven Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Forty Nine Chapter Fifty Chapter Fifty One

Chapter Fifty Two Chapter Fifty Three Chapter Fifty Four

Chapter Fifty Five Chapter Fifty Six Chapter Fifty Seven

Chapter Fifty Eight Chapter Fifty Nine Chapter Sixty

Chapter Sixty One Chapter Sixty Two Chapter Sixty Three

Chapter Sixty Four Chapter Sixty Five Chapter Sixty Six

Chapter Sixty Seven Chapter Sixty Eight Chapter Sixty Nine

Chapter Seventy Chapter Seventy

Chapter Seventy Two

I'm sick. I'm so sorry, I would never leave you to face the wolves on your own if I could help it. You should fake sick, then we'll go back to school together.

Tempting, Ary sighed. But no. She could do this. She texted Dori back.

It's okay, I can handle it. Hope you feel better.

She finished dressing and walked out to the kitchen.

"First day back," Nanna declared. "Now sit and have a good breakfast."

Ary sat obediently as her grandma put a plate in front of her loaded with eggs, bacon, pancakes, and toast.

Nanna took the chair across from her. “Now Aryanne, I have been trying to give you your space. I know that you're practically a grown woman now but maybe you could humor an old woman and tell her what's going on in your life. Are you still with that boy? And why haven't I seen Andie in a while?"

She looked up from her plate. "No, Grayson broke up with me. And Andie and I had a disagreement."

"Oh, I see. Is that why you've been moping around since you got home? How was your ski trip?"

Ary smiled wanly. "The ski trip was great, it turns out I'm a natural."

Nanna gave her a look, "Don't think I don't realize you didn't answer my first question."

She sighed, "Yeah, I guess that's why I've been moping. But I'll be fine Nanna, don't worry."

"Andie's been a good friend to you, make sure you patch things up or it will be one of those things you regret later in life. As for the boy, they'll be plenty more, you're still young."

She nodded mechanicaly, "Yes Nanna. Thanks for breakfast." She punctuated the statement by shoveling a forkful of eggs into her mouth.

Ary rode the bus to school, glad that it meant she wouldn’t see Grayson's group first thing in the morning, and the next few hours went by uneventfully. When it was time for lunch she debated hiding out in the library, but it didn't sit well with her. She'd have to face the petty comments eventually, she decided she may as well get it over with. Besides, a part of her wanted to see Andie and Sonya, wondered if they'd ignore her as well.

She found an empty table near the front of the lounge and sat, pulling out her phone and busying herself with the task of looking up the community college she was considering attending in the fall. A part of her wanted to forego the whole college thing, since all she really wanted to do was write, but another part insisted that she should at least get the experience, not to mention Nanna was expecting it. Besides, she might find there was something else she wouldn't mind doing on the side while she worked on her novels. Of course she could always waitress…Eh. Either way, looking into it gave her something to do.

"So I take it he dropped you again."

She looked up, her insides tightening as Amanda took a seat across from her.

"I honestly don't feel like talking about it, especially with you," She responded, going back to her phone.

"Oh come on Ary, you can't still hate me. I couldn't help falling for him."

Ary didn't bother glancing up as she replied, "I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you."

"Oh, I see, you think you're too good to talk to me, you're so above it all. Funny, I don't see anyone else willing to talk to you."

Ary sighed, putting her phone down on the table. "Amanda, my problem with you doesn't even really have to do with Grayson. Yeah, it was unbelievably shitty of one of my supposed best friends to sleep with the guy who just broke my heart, but honestly I can understand how it happened, I know how charming he is when he wants to be. My problem is that you've become the worst version of yourself since then, actually it started even before that, and frankly we don't have anything in common anymore. Never mind that you haven’t even apologized, as if there was nothing wrong with what you did…” Ary made a face, “I don't even know why I'm bothering, I can tell by that indignant look on your face that I'm not getting through. Go annoy someone else, I'm busy." She picked up her phone again.

"Well fuck you too, Aryanne!"

Ary listened to the sound of her heels stomping away and took a long breath.

She felt another presence behind her and inwardly cringed, afraid to see who was next in line.

"The scrapbook was beautiful."

She turned around quickly, taking in Sonya who had changed her look. Her hair was cut in a flattering style that touched her shoulders. She stood up.

"I'm glad you liked it… Sonya I am so, so sorry.”

"It's okay, you already apologized and I forgave you. The letter was beautiful too. I wanted to call you, but I figured since you were with Dori and all...Anyway, is it true? Did he break up with you again?"

Ary swallowed and nodded, tears popping into her eyes that she quickly blinked away. She did not want to cry in plain sight of all the vultures. Sonya closed the gap between them and hugged her, making her attempt at stoicism fail miserably. The tears fell, though it wasn't only about Grayson, it was about this friend she'd thought she'd lost.

"You don't have to sit alone, Andie misses you too, she's just terrible at this sort of thing." Sonya said into her ear, holding her tighter.

Ary choked out a laugh. "Yeah. I know she is. But I don't want to talk about Grayson the devil, or whatever she's calling him these days."

"I believe her term is Satan incarnate. She was pissed when she heard about your newest breakup, and I think she was also a little pissed that she was pissed, if you know what I mean."

Ary laughed again, then gave her one last squeeze before letting go. "I love you. But I think I'll wait for her to invite me over, I'll feel a little awkward otherwise. Besides, as always, I don't hate him. I love him, and I know how much that bothers her."

"Okay," Sonya said doubtfully, "do you want me to sit with you?"

Ary smiled and shook her head. "Don't worry about me. Dori would be sitting here, but she's home sick. Actually, sitting at your table will hinge on Dori being accepted there too, she's become a good friend. She blocked Grayson from her phone because of me."

Sonya's eyebrows rose, "Seriously? I always thought she was only friends with you because of him."

Ary nodded, "So did I. And she was, but I guess spending a month with my awesomeness changed that," she grinned.

Sonya grinned back. "You are awesome."

"No, you are awesome."

"We are totally awesome,” Sonya agreed.

They giggled, and Sonya gave her another hug. "I'll talk to Andie about Dori and call you later."

"Sounds good. Your hair looks great by the way, it's the perfect style for you."

"Thanks!" Sonya beamed, "Talk to you later!"

Ary sat back down and smiled as she watched her friend bounce away, feeling relieved and a great deal better than she had for the last couple of days. She was pretty sure that once Andie learned about Dori blocking Grayson she’d welcome the girl, which was why she'd mentioned it. It's not as if Dori had done anything to Andie personally, her only crime had been in being Grayson's friend.

Grayson doesn't have any friends, her mind whispered, and she cringed. She peeked over her shoulder at the corner wrap-around booth where Gary, Mark, Brooke, Lisa, Kara, and a couple of other groupies were seated. Frenemies at best. The thought made her sad all over again. She picked up her phone and fiddled with it, debating writing him a reply for the hundredth time since she'd read his letter. And for the hundredth time she decided against it, whatever she had to say would be better said in person.


Later that evening there was a knock on her bedroom door. She was seated cross-legged in the middle of her bed, working on a story on her laptop and instead of jumping up she called, "It's open!"

Andie walked in carrying a gift-wrapped box and looking uncharacteristically uncomfortable.

"I know this is a little late, but better late than never, right?"

Ary grinned, "When it comes to presents, there’s no such thing as late."

Andie returned the smile, though with less wattage, and walked over, depositing the gift on the bed next to her. A card was taped to the top and Ary reached for it.

"No! I mean, don't open it now, okay?"

Ary pulled her hand away, lifting a brow, "Okay..."

Andie glanced away, fiddling with a ring on her right hand. "I'm sorry, about, well, everything. And of course you're welcome to sit with us." She met Ary’s eyes. "You're my best friend in the world and I love you. I'll always love you. And if Dori is really taking a stand against that...Grayson, then she's welcome to sit with us too."

Ary frowned slightly.

"I know, don't say anything, because I know you don't hate him and probably never will. I get that it's not in your nature to feel that way. Which is one of the things I love about you, even if in this case it drives me crazy. And I also know that it's possible you'd even take him back if he said the right things, which drives me even crazier…But I think I can handle it, and not let him come between us again as long as you don't. But Ary, I really wish you would let him go, find someone who deserves you."

Ary smirked, "Funny, Dori said the same thing."

Andie's lips curved, "I'm liking her better already. So, I'm having a party at my house on Friday, you'll be there right?"

"Of course!"

"Good. I'll pick you up for school tomorrow if you want."

"Sure, if you don't mind."

Andie smiled wanly, "I don't know, it's sooo far out of my way."

Ary laughed, picturing the few blocks between their houses. "Thanks then."

"Yeah, you're welcome." She gave Ary one last grudging smile and walked out of the room.

When she was gone, Ary pulled the card off the package and tore open the white envelope. The picture on the front depicted two young girls making snow angels in front of a house that looked similar to her own. She and Andie had never actually done that, well not in the snow because of where they lived, but there was one year where they had lain in the grass of her back lawn and pretended. She smiled at the memory and flipped the card open.

Dear Ary,

Thank you for the beautiful scrapbook. It made me laugh and cry, yes cry, I know that's not a very common thing for me. I accept your apology. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. And now it's my turn. I'm sorry Aryanne. Sorry that my inability to forgive caused a feud between us. Sorry that I can be self-righteous and stubborn. Sorry for breaking my promise to be there for you no matter my opinions. You are my dearest friend, I would be hard-pressed to ever replace you in my life or my heart. I hope you had a magical Christmas.

I love you,


Oh Andie, she thought, wiping her eyes. She opened the package and pulled out a leather bound journal with her name imprinted in black across the middle. It had a little buckle style strap to keep it closed, and she undid it, finding an inscription on the inside of the front cover.

Every future famous author should have a notebook with their name on it. (And now you can stop writing book ideas on scraps of paper that you're always losing!) Happy Writing-Andie

Ary grinned, she was always losing her notes. Her grin faded to a small smile. No matter what happened with Grayson, she was still one blessed individual.


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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