Story: Matthew And The Dragons (Part XIII)





Seeing Matthew's solemn expression, the silver dragon frown.

"Tell me what happened," urged the silver dragon.

Nodding, Matthew begins to tell the silver dragon what had transfired—telling everything leaving no details behind.

*Roar!!! *

After hearing the story, the silver dragon roar in rage! Matthew and the others quickly covered their ears—fearfull of the silver dragon's rage.

"Is this how you want to do it black dragon? Very well, I too can play your game!" Roar the silver dragon indignantly.

"L-lord silver dragon?" Matthew asked after the silver dragon stops his roar.

Noticing that his sudden outburst terrified Matthew and his group, the silver dragon calmed himself.

"My apologies, I lost control of my emotion," said the silver dragon. "I know what you're going to ask. I'll summon some lesser dragon to help guard the kingdom and ask a few of my friends for their help."

Matthew, Aria, and Boris are delighted after hearing the promises of the silver dragon. They've no doubt that he will live up to those promises as dragons value their promises greatly.

"There's not much time left before the black dragon attacks. You should all return now," said the silver dragon.

"Yes!" The trio replied.

After saying their thanks and goodbyes, Matthew and the others begin their journey back to the kingdom. On their way they did not encounter any form of danger—arriving days later.



As they're on the rush, they went to the castle without stopping home to rest. At the castle, they are lead to a secret chamber where the king is waiting.

"How was it?" The king asked impatiently.

"Good fortune was on our side and didn't fail your majesty's expectations," Matthew reported.

Hearimg this, the king is delighted. "Good! Good! Tell me everything."


Matthew cleared his throat, and narrates the conversation with the silver dragon. Telling the king about the lesser dragons, as well as the silver dragon's promise of asking other greater dragons for assisstant.

"Marvelous! Well done lad!" The king laughed heartily.

After being crowned as king, the king rarely laughs this hearty anymore. His position doesn't allow any lapse in judgement, so despite looking amiable, the king is actually very stern on the inside. But hearing of such a good news, the king is finally relieved of the stress that had been accumulating.

"Matthew, you have been a tremendous help, and it's just fair that I reward you handsomely," said the king to Matthew.

"Tell me what you want as reward. I'll give it to you as long as I am able to," the king added.

"Thank you your majesty! It's just that, I haven't thought of it yet. Also, we haven't defeated the black dragon yet so it's a bit immature to ask for a reward yet," Matthew answered embarrasedly.

"You're right that we should defeat the black dragon first but I still need to reward you with something," the king agreed. "How about this, since you're a blacksmith apprentice, tell me what if there's something your lacking as an apprentice and this will be your temporary reward."

Matthew contemplates for a minute before speaking again.

"That's all?" The king exclaimed, while looking at Matthew strangely.

"These things are very easy to get, you can ask for more," urged the king.

"Then, please add some craftsman as my assisstant as well," Matthew answered.

"Done! The things you've asked shall be delivered shortly," the king declared.

The king then spoke ro Aria and Boris and thanked them for their services. He also promises that he would give them a huge bonus for their efforts.

The two gave their thanks to the king and left with Matthew.

To be continued...


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