What is the most supported sports in the world?

There are a lot of different sporting disciplines and more importantly a lot of sporting fans around the world. But what is the most supported sports in the world?

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Today we have another fun post about sporting stats in the world. It will be difficult to answer if we asked what is the most popular sport in the world, as we always need to measure popularity against something. For example: If we ask what the most popular sport is, it can be measured against most watched, most played or even against which sport has the most passionate fan base.

We have looked at various sources on the internet, and although we cannot find formal numbers, most of the websites around the globe have similar stats. We will always have our own opinions.

Let the countdown begin

We have a tie in 10th place, so let's give both these sports the 9th place

9 . American Football

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400 Million Supporters from Europe, Africa, Asia, America, Australia

9 . Basketball

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400 Million Supporters from Asia, America

8. Golf

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450 Million Supporters from Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Canada.

7. Baseball

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500 Million America, Japan

6. Table Tennis

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850 Million Europe, Africa, Asia, America.

5. Volleyball

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900 Million Europe, Australia, Asia, America.

4. Tennis

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1 Billion Europe, Asia, America.

3. Field Hockey

I must mention that I was suprised to find Field hockey at number 3.

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2 Billion Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia.

2. Cricket

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2.5 Billion Asia, Australia, UK.

Drum roll for Number 1 which I do not think will come as a surprise ...

1. Soccer (Football in Britain)

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3.5 Billion Europe, Africa, Asia, America.

Soccer came in as the clearly most supported sport in the world with nearly double the amount of supporters than number 2.

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