Kranenburg Weihnachtsmarkt 2016

Have you ever been to a Weinachtsmarkt in Germany? The first time I have been to was in Berlin in December 2014. Hub and I got lost to one near the Museum Island and decided to check it out. It was because of this ferris wheel we could see from afar that brought us to it. All of these 3 pics were taken in 2014 in Berlin with my Samsung Galaxy Note 1.

He already had an idea of what it looks like but he saved me the thrill. Almost every village, province and city in Germany has Weinachtsmarkt or Christmas Market. From the word itself you get an idea that you'll bump into Christmas stuff there and then some. Christmas could be overwhelming for someone who doesn't observe it like the whole world does but by experience, I actually find Weinachtsmarkten or Christmas Markets addictive and must be experienced so this year since we're keeping it close to home - we went to one nearby - just a few minutes drive away from the border between Germany and The Netherlands - Kranenburg.

There I found several art works I featured in this post, this post and this post. It's not just artworks that you could find there but lot's a cute stuff. I also found and old fashioned blacksmith with an old - fashion blacksmith machine which he pumps up and down to fire the coals up and heat whatever he was working on and that huge iron anvil. His booth was across from the artist I featured in this post.

What else have I found there? Christmas crafts like this snowman ....

and his angel mates .

These sweet smelling dried orange potpourri which the woman on the store made herself. What can I say, there's so much talent in this continent and so much craftsmanship I can't help but fall in love living in it.

These birds are made from wood, hand painted then placed on painted twisted twigs - nest and bird feathers then placed on a dried and treated sal seed coat so cute looking I couldn't help myself but choose one when hub asked me which one I like and he's getting it. He knows I like things with birds in them - it has to be unique and no am not a spoiled wifey - just over loved and one lucky ....

These two has earned a place beside these two love birds in the glass. I am not into hoarding, in fact I prefer minimalism - I could breathe more but I really love unique things and these love birds are just so damn cute I gave in to bringing them home. No, we didn't really go there to buy. We were on a date and accidentally saw an alley buzzing with much energy and laughter we decided to get lost in it and it's all worth it.

There are always "wurst" or German sausages which are enormous but since it is near the border, the Dutch flocked in there we didn't have to speak much German since even some of the Germans speak Dutch. Though we were already full from our lunch date, we've decided to snack on fries - he did. I bought these potato swirls on sticks with I can't really remember what flavor the flour on it has that I wanted to eat some more had I not worried of having too much wind in my tummy.

A few steps away is a stall with "gluhwijn' or warm wine, chocomilk and coffee. I asked for coffee milk and hub had a cup of gluhwijn. Then we spotted the museum and decided to get in with the cups. The owner said we may bring them with us and just give it back. Yes, they are still very trusting here. The Europeans are very accommodating people, very easy to talk to specially the old ones and if you have a conscience never abuse one you bump into. Be grateful instead. In we went the museum and saw another market inside.

Who do you think I thought of when I saw these Barion Mathias' (of Drosselweg, Goch -Pfalzdorf) work of arts? Yes, @anca3drandom and @oaldamster with this zodiac but ...

@poeticsnake with these minions. We both love these cute guys.

No, I didn't get any of those cheese boards though I liked the one shaped like an elephant a lot and hub wants that pizza board. For the love of minimalism - no please.

Though I don't normally pay attention to Christmas decor - this one just was so magnetic to my eyes, I took a pic of it. I just find it so freaking creative and maybe whoever the artist is cause - the old couple who were tending it were not them - I admire the patience and craftsmanship of that person. Look at how minute the details of this one is. I love it and yet, I left it - "for sale".

When we got out it was dark and people were gathering at the other end of the alley (the opposite side of where we came from). There's a tower across the streets with its windows open and lighted and three guys standing on the verande with their gears.

Suddenly, everyone got mousy quiet and the guys started playing.

We stayed till the last performance, there were only three and though the chill was already seeping through my winter mutts, the warmth and the positive energy around me has somehow embraced me from the cold of the night. After the last song they played, someone came up to me giving me a bottle of Kranenburg alcohol and hub got one as well. As you know, I'm allergic to alcohol so he got lucky getting 2 that night.

When we got home he popped one bottle up and took a sip and told me it tasted like a cough syrup. I had to laugh - from what I know alcohol is bitter - on chocolates and even the fruitcakes I've tasted back then. I just am not a fan maybe. Anyhow, I love traditions like this and though I do not observe Christmas like the rest of the world does, I really like Weinachtsmarkten.

How about on your side of the earth - do you have something like this? How do you guys call it?

I took the rest of these pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Here you can find my other travel/ weekends out and culture and traditions related articles.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


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