Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.7


So we took a leap of faith and all hopped onto the bucket of the loader, the arms then started to retract carrying us across to the other side.

Once we hopped off the young man said "You guys are headed to the Black Range Campsite? It's gonna get dark soon so if you can’t make it before night fall, you can duck into smaller Campsite that is a bit closer."

Turns out that his father (the old man who we thought left us in part 6 ) had contacted him on radio to give us a lift across the stream.

After getting some details of the campsite, we thanked the man and went on our way. Still couldn't believe how lucky we were that help came at the exact time that we needed.

It was now 6:00pm, the sky was starting to get dark, and we still had 4 hours of hiking to make up. So we collectively decided that it was best for us to change our destination to the closer camping spot that the young man had suggested.

There was one problem, we still have to find it… we know it is closer but not sure exactly where or if we could make it before night fall.

To be continued…

You can find the other parts here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Seven Part (Current Post)
Part Eight
Part Nine


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