Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Pisa #13

In this night I had a really strange dream. I was sliding down a hill using a plastic bag to carry me down a little stream. It was very steep so all the way down it got faster and faster. Also there were a lot of curves and trees I had to take care about. Suddenly the sister of the friend who was travelling with me at that time (In real life he had no sister... :D) was sliding next to me and handed over a baby to me. I should take care of it on the way down. I arrived in the valley with a big lake and threw the Baby on the lawn when I noticed that everywhere there where brown giraffes the size of the Baby. They ran around it and started to talk with it. This is when I woke up. This is a wall picture I saw a view hours later that totally freaked my mind. It is absolutely not possible that I could have seen it the day before and made it part of my dream for it was in a part of the city we have not visited before. It was also already dark when we arrived.

Of course I felt like a coffee and so we decided to get some cappuccino. After finishing the cup we stayed there for a bit and then walked on threw town. Hours later we remembered that we forgot to pay our awesome cappuccinos. Uuups... x(

It is beautiful to have a river in town. Especially if is surrounded by beautiful buildings. Like the ones in Pisa.

We knew that we only had this one day in Pisa for we did not want to pay the hostel for another night. Also we did not have the budget to. So what had to be done had to be done.. Here it is the obligatory tower of Pisa picture. It is funny that there are these barriers surrounding the lawn areas there because of the hundreds of people trying to make those pictures with the tower. It is ridiculous: there are even police officers taking care that no one steps on the lawn. It was kind of an invitation...

On this picture you can see how bad I felt after the guards screamed at me :D

There is a lot of fascinating architecture in Pisa besides the tower which was a construction failure. It is still a lot of calculation needed to keep it from falling down because the fundament was built not stable enough.

I am a big fan of all natural patterns. The ancient architecture and also the architecture of the middle ages and the renaissance are resembling the patterns of nature in their geometry and shape ideas. I am not such a big fan of right angles and flat glass and steel architecture. It lacks of the life spirit for me even though I can see the mental efforts that constructing such highly efficient buildings it is hard for me to get an emotional relationship with those cold buildings.

The old handcrafters knew very well how to work with natural materials to create such beautiful artworks decorating every smallest piece of the buildings. This touches my heart.

Isn’t this wonderful? Pisa has a lot of amazing things to offer in the centre but it is also very loud and busy with tourists. After some hours I really felt like leaving already. I was longing for the sea and for calm natural surroundings.

At the same time it was hard to leave such an amazing architectural wonder.

We stayed at the lawn for a while and enjoyed the sun. But we knew we had to leave within some hours to catch the train to Cinque terre. I will write about this awesome area in my next posts. Before leaving, we were eager to find some weed, for we have not had a joint in two weeks and we thought it would be nice to have some when going to the sea. We also found something, close to the train station. The kids that sold it to us were pretty high on something that was supposed to be ketamine according to them but it was brown. The weed was a shit too. But it was the only stuff we could get so we bought a bag for 10 Euros and got on our train.

The way to Ostia - 1
Ostia Antica -1.1
Bracciano -2
Viterbo -3
Tuscania -4
Lago di Bolsena -5
Pitigliano Part 1 -6
Pitigliano Part 2 -7
Sovana -8
Saturnia -9
Talamone & Siena -10
Volterra -11
Livorno & Dalai Lama

Lots of Love and Light <3

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