Greetings from @davinci.witness!
image created by - sponsored by the project
The DaVinci Witness has been collaborating with @utopian-io for the translation of open source projects. We believe that this initiative will help the whole Steem community because we are exploring the use of the Steem blockchain to provide services to the open source community.
We had to pause the recruiting of new translators for a while because we needed to restructure our rewards system and the resources at our disposal did not allow us to support more teams. The Utopian team has been very proactive in finding solutions and thanks to them we are finally able to activate more teams and consolidate old ones.
We have just closed a recruiting window and you can find the results below.
In the reviewing process, candidates were asked to:
- Publish a Steem post [AP] with their application text in both English and their native language.
- Record a video or an audio track to check their level of proficiency in English.
- Tag the post with, #davinci-application.
For maximum transparency, every application was also posted on the #job-application-room on the DaVinci community Discord.
We consolidated the following teams with new applicants:
Team Arabic Enhanced
Team Chinese Enhanced
- [T] @hannahwu AP, @itchyfeetdonica AP
Team Dutch Enhanced
- [T] @altrosa AP, @dragonsandsnakes AP, @tokentattoo AP, @anouk.nox AP
Team German Enhanced
- [T] @achimmertens AP
Team Italian Enhanced
- [T] @akireuna AP, @jacksartori AP
Team Polish Enhanced
* The user @szymciojazda has been replaced because of inactivity
Team Spanish Enhanced
- [LM] @marugy99 AP
- [T] @kaestorr AP, @cremisi AP, @navx AP, @zlatkamrs AP, @thatmemeguy AP, @dedicatedguy AP
The following new teams were formed:
Team French New
Team Hebrew New
Team Portuguese New
- [LM] @phbr AP
- [T] @leurop AP, @mrprofessor AP, @martusamak AP
Team Serbian New
- [LM] @scienceangel AP
- [T] @nikolanikola AP, @svemiracAP, @alexs1320 AP
*(Click on the link marked AP to see the candidacy posts) - The other unmentioned teams remained unchanged
Please note:
Davinci.Witness team is pleased to have you in our project and wish you all the best!
Welcome to all the teams!