* Ideal women of ordinary men *

There are still many women in the world who continue to play at becoming the prototype of "ideal women", based on the clichés imposed by sexist cultures. Circulate a lie that many believe: happiness is in finding a partner. And she is a couple if she is the ideal girl.

Although we seem to be in a time when this type of myths would no longer have a place, the truth is that with more force than ever, demanding obligations have been imposed on what a woman should be.

"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor, hungry children all over the world, I can not help but cry. I mean, I'd love to be that skinny, but not with all those flies, and death, and those things. "
-Mariah Carey-

 These mandates come from the market and from the men themselves, who no longer want to find the perfect housewife and mother, but who with equal severity are responsible for promoting, and imposing, the desirable traits in a woman.

The ideal women

Unfortunately, there are still many men who give value to women based on the utility they can provide. This is true since the beginning of human history, but now it has become more subtle and imperceptible.

Until less than a century ago, women were the owners and mistresses of the domestic world. His role was to make the house go well and ensure a healthy and strong offspring for man.

Now the world of the market and the masculine world do not need the woman cloistered in a house. They need it by producing, earning money. They need it "cultured" and beautiful, because that "quotes" any man in the social world.

The prototype

It has forged a true stereotype of what the ideal woman is. These are its main characteristics:

* Beautiful. But nothing of "strange beauties". For ordinary men, bella is a woman with large breasts, well contoured butt and evil girl face. If not, forget it. That's what the operating rooms are for.

* Comprehensive means that he does not say "mú" if the man prefers to see a Real Madrid match, instead of listening to it when he is stressed. And that she receives it with a wide smile when she arrives after drinks, after a day in which she never knew where she was, or what she was doing.

* That is not jealous. Especially if he is unfaithful.

* Intelligent and well informed. He can not "go wrong" in a conversation in front of his friends. Of course, you must not be an expert either. Ordinary men flee to bright women.

Daring and very sexually active. The prude went out of fashion several decades ago. Modern men dream of a quasi-nymphomaniac who is obsessed with them.

Real women

Surely ideal women exist, or seem to exist, in the world of show business and advertising. In real life it is not so easy to find them, although there are many who pledge the best of their lives trying to approach the stereotype.

Real women do not want to be loved because they are "good merchandise". They do not want to force themselves to be what others want them to be. Real women complain about what seems unfair to them. They want to be understood too and that just as they flatter their virtues, they also tolerate their defects. They want to love them as they are capable of love: with respect and tenderness.

Free women are able to renounce a great love, if the price of this is their identity. They do not care if their man is bald, paunchy or half confused. They know how to love, because to truly love is to be able to value what each human being has as unique.

A woman who is really convinced of being, does not validate what she is from what ordinary men think of her, but of what she herself thinks about herself, because first of all it is taken into account.

Sometimes he wants to make love, but sometimes not. You can understand and listen, but not admit behaviors that could harm the equity of the couple. It wants to feel valued, and not exhibited or used.

Real women tend not to like ordinary men. And these are not exactly what she seeks to feel more and better loved. Real women need real men to live this fascinating adventure of human love.

                invite you to visit these article

* Mature love: when first love does not always come in the right order *

               * A love that begs is not love *

        * Love, even if battles are fought, is not a war *

* Things you should not break: trust, promises and hearts *

                  * The day I started to love myself *

                *  The kitchen as a therapeutic tool *

         * Face your darkest emotions to be happy *

     * It seems fashionable not to say what we feel *

     * Balanced motivation: the best way to learn *

   * Discover the beauty of having a unique body *

               * Interoception: beyond the 5 senses *

                          * Attract love to your life *

  * Why it's important not to leave things unfinished *

          * Pareidolia, see ways where there are not *

                    * the best revenge is not revenge *   

                            * a break is not a failure *

         All the images were taken from the public domain

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