Playing the Sims: Living the City Life

Hello and welcome to my blog- How to Play the Sims. If you are new, you can visit my blog and catch up by reading my previous posts. Follow me @simgirl to receive my newest posts in your Steemit feed.

So far, the Steemit roommates have been doing well in their new apartment. All their needs are met, and they have done all they can to be promoted. Sally Steemit even got a promotion in my last post. I think they have earned a night out on the town. It is not good to be cooped up in the same place for too long. Plus this will give Sally, Sharyn, and Stanley a chance to get to know each other better.


When you open your phone in the Sims 4, you can select the car icon to travel. When selected, this will open another window, where you can choose other Sims to travel with you. If you only want one Sim to travel, you can skip this step, and the other Sims will stay home.

Since we want the Steemit roommates to go out together, I choose both Sharyn Steemit, and Stanley Steemit to travel with Sally. Once you click ok, your game will load the world screen where you can choose the location you want your Sims to visit.


Since all three of the Steemit roommates have the City Life aspiration, they will all need to meet one person from each section of the city. Each section of the city has its own businesses, and attractions. They each have their own festival also. When the festival is in town, you will get a notification on your wall. From the notification you can travel to the event. We will send then to Planet Honey Pop! For some fun, and to meet new people.


Once the roommates arrive at the club, they will be in a group. Group actions can be selected using the options with the group icon. This way you do not have to go from one Sim, to the next, trying to get them to sit together. They can do all kinds of things as a group. They can order a drink together, dance together, and even sing karaoke together. The club looks dead now, but other Sims will arrive soon.


Stanley learned the singing skill from singing karaoke. He didn’t sound too bad!

Stanley Steemit Singing Karaoke


Stanley sounded so good, that Sharyn decided she would brave the crowd, and sing a country duet with him. Now they both are building their singing skills, as well as building a stronger friendship. From the looks of it, they are having lots of fun. As the night got later, the Steemit roommates grew weary and it was time to call it a night.

Go Home

To send your Sims home after a long night of dancing and fun, you can select the house icon on your Sims. Each Sim will have their own icon. Once you select this icon, the Sims will be directed to go home. If you have assigned your Sim a task, you may have to dismiss the action, before your Sim will leave.


As soon as your Sims are at home safe, and tucked into their beds, you can save the game. As you can see they spent a few dollars at the bar. Every time your Sim consumes something in the game, the price of the item is deducted from the household funds. Nothing is free in the Sim world.

I hope you have learned more about getting your Sims out of their home, and how to get them back home. You can also click “M” key in the game. This will take you to the map. You can choose a location for your Sim from the map.

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Sometimes it Is Okay to Cheat

How-to Sim Your Life: A Guide to Winning the Game of Life



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