Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.9 (Final)


"Is that music?" Charlie asked, we all raised our ears and became quiet. Indeed we could hear this faint music playing from a distant.

None of us said anything more, we all just picked up our bags, pointed our torches to the direction of the music and started walking.

Following the music, it lead us to a narrow path and along the path there was a sign with a map on it indicating a spilt towards our right, "I think we found the camp site we were looking for" I said as I point toward the other path.

We made a right turn down the path and could hear the music getting louder, and what we saw as we came around the corner made all three of us let out a breath of relief. I counted 3 groups of campers there, the campsite had a running lake where we could get fresh water, there were camp fires, a few SUVs and people with portable radios (where the music was coming from).

We quickly gathered some firewood, some water and started a fire, it was hard to see but we had just enough illumination from the other camp fires to do a decent job.

This is the point where we realised that we had made it! Not exactly as planned but at least we made it to a proper camping location, and to my surprise it even had mobile reception.

We felt much better after we set up our own camp fire and cooked some dinner, and for the rest of the night we enjoyed being in nature and talked about the adventure we had in getting here.

Just before getting into our tents I did a quick search for next day's weather, as the plan was to hike back the next day. What I saw worried me a bit, as it was predicting heavy rain/storms in the Blue Mountains.

How were we going to get back if the storm hits, we hard enough trouble getting here…

But hey, that's a story for another time.

If you have missed the other parts you can find them here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight


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