Turkey: the New Year in Istanbul and the return of wayward son


[04/01/18] After Pergamon I came directly to Istandul on 31 of December, and I met the exact moment of the New Year checking in a hostel. You might say it's a waste, but I happen to hate holidays (and weekends as well), the New Year being the worst of them all.

Every year I have some problem in this same time, which requires a shop or a service to be working. And they obviously don't, for a long time. The biggest issue was on Tet, the vietnamese New Year, when I got stranded for a week with a broken bike and a friend on schedule waiting for me.
So yeah, I have no love for this season.


View from below the bridge with hundreds of fishermen

Anyways, as soon as I droppen my luggage in the room, I left the boisterous place full of partying people and took a walk along the more quiet streets in the city. The following 3 days weren't anything special, just chilling in this historical city, walking around, buying gifts for friends and family...



And so my little adventure has come to its logical conclusion and hereby I will summarize it.

This autumn voyage took me more than 2 months, 12000 km and I have visited 5 countries and some neutral zones. The longest and the most memorable part was in Iran, where I made lots of good memories. In a few days I go back to Siberia, from where I will decide, what's next.


Spoiler: we are approaching the present time, dear readers, since the beginning of February I've been travelling in Dominican Republic and my blog will soon catch up with me, hopefully. Before that I was keeping a small blog just for the friends and family, and here on steemit I've been publishing the translations with a bit of rehearsing of the original journal. But now I will be concentrating on writing articles specifically for steemit and improving my style. I'm even attending an online course about travel-journalism, hopefully that will help to improve the quality of the content.


In any case, your opinion and feedback is highly appreciated, so make sure to let me know what you're thinking about my articles.

More pics:

To be continued...

Previous post: Turkey: the Temple of Artemis and Pergamon

Check out my travel blog:
Turkey: 21, 22, 23, 24
Iran: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Tajikistan: 7, 8, 9, 10
Kyrgyzstan: 4, 5, 6
Kazakhstan: 1, 2, 3

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2 columns
1 column