Mar 31 -- Steemit Ramble #88 -- Don't You Hate Missing Good Posts?

It’s a wet, cold and rainy day out there today. I’m very happy to be home and warm with no known reason to have to leave. I have some reading and writing I wish to accomplish today, so hopefully no interruptions that put me off track.

I could, well actually I do really enjoy being able to spend time at home writing and doing what I need to do around the house. It’s so relaxing and gives me a chance to refresh my energy levels. The cats love it too, they stay very close by me when I’m home.

Onward to today’s rambling

Hardfork 18 - A Horror Story

Hardfork 18 - A Horror Story Part 2: Feel the Bern

@riskdebonair writes a two part hardfork horror story. It has the feel of a many parts to come.

Marketing w/Mitchell - A Steem Ecosystem

Well, we’ve been waiting a long time for it and it has finally arrived. A formal marketing program coming from Steemit Inc. I think this article is a great start and will be looking forward to the next steps. Good work guys.

STEEMIT: Great news following yesterday's successful Hard Fork. Keep Calm & Carry On Blogging.

@stephenkendal provides us in both text and by video some perspective on the changes to the platform yesterday and in particular the changes to the rewards pool and payout period. I’ve seen some very negative posts on this today and was really pleased to see @stephenkendal’s. Rome wasn’t built in a day as the saying goes.

The Steemian Magazine - a Monthly but Kicking Off with the Best of 2016-2017

@ebryans is leading the team for this publication which is being put together to promote the best of Steemit off the platform in a fully downloadable format. Through promoting the best of Steemit, we’ll be promoting the platform. The announcement coming at the same time as Mitchell’s announcement is very exciting.

Are there any truly free markets? Win 50 SP.

@thecryptofiend asks if there are any truly free markets. He invites you to post in the comments any free markets you know about. The comment he likes the most will receive 50SP.

The Ten Year Aniversary of the discovery of Pixie-Cats

A wonderful post from @arthuradamson about the discovery of pixie-cats as being real. There are some wonderful photos of the pixie-cats in their natural environment. Well worth reading all the way to the end of the post.

Kryptonite (digital art)

I have always been a fan of the Superman franchise being that the creator was a Canadian and Metropolis was originally based on Toronto. So, I can really relate to a title like Kryptonite. Checking it out, I was most impressed to see the picture @inber has created.

The effect of visualization with relation to brain

@anamarena discusses the process of visualization and the effect that it has on the brains processing of information. I always appreciate when a scientific post is written in pretty easy to understand language. Nicely written.

The Squirrels Are Messing With The Bird Feeder Again

Squirrels may be part of the rat family, but I have to admit, they tend to be cuter and smarter. Check out what these squirrels manage to do with the birdfeeder. :)

A Story About Tyme ~ Progress On Story And Illustration

@reddust shares with us an illustration rendering she’s working on as part of a children’s story book. Always a pleasure to get a peak into the work in progress of creativity.

Limerick Contest - That Judge, he will Never Pick Mine! He's Loud and Gets Arsey on Wine.

Let’s wrap up today’s Ramble with a limerick. The @writing-trail has been running a limerick writing contest. The first line in the limerick must end with ‘Ned’ and you’re free to create after that. I’ve looked at several of them, I really like this one. Well done.

Wrap-up on Day #88

Well, with this Ramble, it also means another month has come to a close. In February, I managed to post 15 Rambles, in March only 11. I hope to do more in April but, I can just do what I get time for.

Still Pending Posts

I hope you enjoyed reading my post. Below are the posts still pending payout as of the time of the writing. I invite you to visit the posts and upvote them if you like them:

Steemit Ramble #86 — payout Apr. 5th
Steemit Ramble #87 — payout Apr. 6th

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting.

Please Join the Curation Trail

If you’d like to support the posts I find and upvote while searching for the Ramble shares, please join my Curation Trail on Streemian

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

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