Dream Diary - 7/10/17

Morning again Steemers!

What weird dreams I had last night. It seems as the night goes on, the more wacky my dreams get. Enjoy!

Saturday 7th October

I dreamed I was in a bedsit flat with my husband. It had old brown carpets, brown kitchen cupboards that had a silver lip on top for the handle and an old silver sink. It was like a 70’s style kitchenette. We were sat on a round wooden table by the sink. I asked my husband to help me get my job back that I was made redundant from earlier on in the year, but at a branch that was still up and running. We were going though the salary bands and the benefits that they give as a new starter. I wasn’t a new starter. I had been with the company for 8 years. We came to the conclusion I needed 10k more than the starting rate. This was because I needed to cover train fair and other expenses. Plus I was one of their most experienced staff in the area. I definitely felt I would be entitled to more. I had sheets of paper drawing up my case and I had put together a ring binder so I could take it with me for when I paid the manager a visit.

Afterwards, I found myself in a bohemian street and I came across a girl with dark hair who was feeding a Priest dog some biscuits. When I say Priest dog, I mean a Priest dog. It was a giant, brown sausage dog. He was wearing round, gold framed glasses and it had a purple ribbon round its neck. The ribbon had gold edging to it and it had the white neck piece that Priests wear too. She told me the dog takes biscuits from her the quickest out of everyone else that feeds him. I saw the dog cross his paws, bow his head and bend down as if he was praying. Then the girl told me she makes her own dog biscuits out of chocolate! Chocolate!! Seriously?? That’s is so harmful to dogs, almost deadly!

My last dream comes in 3 parts. First of all I dreamt I had a black BMW 2 series coupe. I was parked outside a house in a residential street. Houses and greenery, a little bit like where I grew up. My mum was there and told me the car was parked at a funny angle. I got in the car and I reversed it to the kerb to straighten it up. Then I saw my mum talk to a blonde lady. She came across pretty snobby. I would like to have told her to mind her own beeswax! Secondly, I dreamed I had the same car and I was in a multi storey car park and was about to leave. There was new technology in the car park that sorted out the collection of the vehicles. You had to take off one of the windscreen wiper blades and put it into this machine that was situated next to the shopping trolleys. The machine would then release a huge, clear plastic bag that contained a bumper. The bumper then tells a lift what floor your car was on and that would determine whether you had to go up or down levels. Once you got to the right level, a parking attendant would then call you on your mobile phone and direct you to your car. Once you are there, you just get in your car and go. Lastly, I found myself driving the same car up a city street. There were workmen on the side of the road with a skip, paint and planks of wood. I managed to squeeze past them. When I had passed, I was at a dead end. I had to reverse out. This wasn't going to be easy! When I reversed, I hit an overhead bar that was balancing on the side of the skip and a wall. Then paint splashed up the side of the car. I felt so small and was very upset. Thing is, in all my dreams the brakes weren’t very good. I had to push my foot all the way down on the pedal to the footwell. The car just wouldn’t stop! Just kept moving very slowly.

I hope you enjoyed reading my dream. I don’t think coffee is going to help me this morning. Is it too early for champers?! Someone pass me the bubbly!

Please feel free to comment and have a read of my other dreams.

Dream Diary

6/10/17 | 5/10/17 | Can't sleep, Wont sleep | 3/10/17 | 2/10/17 | 1/10/17

30/9/17 | 29/9/17 | 28/9/17 | 27/9/17 | 26/9/17 | 25/9/17 | 24/9/17 | 22/9/17 | 21/9/17 | 20/9/17 | Recurring Dreams

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