Part XV
*Clang! * *Roar! * *Slash! *
Days passed after Matthew meet with the silver dragons, and as they've anticipated, the black dragon begins its attack on the kingdom.
Waves of lesser dragons attacked the villages with intensity but was fortunately stopped by the kingdom's soldiers and the lesser dragons under the silver dragon's command. Thus, the battle remained in a stalemate. But this is just temporary as the black dragon itself hasn't appeared yet.
Meanwhile, the king is conducting a meeting inside the castle.
"How's the situation?" The king asked one of the generals seated.
"The fight currently in a stalemate your majesty!" Answered a general. "But thanks to the brave soldiers and the lesser dragons, the enemy cannot hold any foothold!"
The king nodded in satisfaction. Though he's aware that the situation would change soon as a greater dragon enters the fray, the king is still happy that they can maintain the status quo.
"How's the evacuation of the villagers and farmers in the vicinity of the kingdom?" The king inquires.
"Thanks to the early warning, we manages to successfully evacuate at least seventy percent of the citizens affected," answered the minister. "The remaining thirty percent are on their way."
"Very good!" Said the king. "Any news from Gulgnir?"
"According to last secret missive we received, they've started marching but it would take half a month in the earliest," answered another general.
Sighing, the king simply whispered "very well.." knowing that there's nothing that they could do about the matter.
"Let us end this meeting for now. All of you should go back to your post," the king declared.
"Yes!" Everyone answered.
After the adjourning the meeting, the king went ro the top of the castle and looked at the majestic capital city feeling solemn and nostalgic.
Looking at the city, the kings is in a dilema, knowing that the kingdom his father and forefathers would go in flames if they failed to defeat the black dragon.
"We could only do everything we could..." tye king murmured.
Meanwhile, inside a certain workshop, a group of people are working busily like bees.
"Hey, someone pass me a wrench!"
"I need some screws here!"
"Here you go!"
The buzzling scene is reminiscing of a market place, making the crowd hating Aria to grimace.
"You could just go outside if you don't like noise you know?" Teased Boris.
Aria looked at Boris menacingly but decided to just ignore him.
Seeing this, Boris couldn't help but snickered. He knows that Aria was seriously trying to protect the workers inside, or to be more specific, certain young man.
As Boris was about to leave the room to guard outside, an apprentice craftsman came rushing inside yelling "emergency!" while running!
Everyone stopped whatever they are doing and looked at the apprentice in shock.
"Dragons!" The apprenticed yelled. "Dragons are attacking the city!"
To be continued...

Previous Chapters:
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III
- Part IV
- Part V
- Part VI
- Part VII
- Part VIII
- Part IX
- Part X
- Part XI
- Part XII
- Part XIII
- Part XIV