Sweet and round dumplings 甜甜圆圆的汤圆


Yesterday I went to visit my friend , when I came back, she gave me a bag of black sesame Glutinous Rice dumplings. With a poem on the bag : “ rice like pearls cleaned with the water in the wells , sweet scented osmanthus fragrance filling in the dumplings.”

This morning I cooked the rice dumplings and tasted , soft sweet really nice to eat . this kind of rice dumplings usually is eaten at the end of spring festival , the fifteenth day of lunar year. It means families usually get together and live happily.



Now if you want to eat , it's very convenient to buy it in the supermarket. A sweet bowl of rice dumplings ,sweet in the mouth, warm in the heart. Wish all of my friends on the steemit, live happily and healthily in the coming new year !

昨日去朋友家,回来的时候送了我一代黑芝麻手工汤圆,有诗云:江米如珠井水淘,桂花香馅裹胡桃。今天早上煮了汤圆来吃,香香甜甜,软软儒儒,真是好一个“桂花香馅裹胡桃” 呀。

汤圆,作为春节的压轴食品,通常是正月十五来吃的,象征着团团圆圆,甜甜蜜蜜。现在我们的生活水平提高了, 什么时间只要你想吃,就都可以吃到这种圆圆的小东西。一般的超市里都有的卖。


My recent post here
The lunar year’s dumplings with Laba’s garlic!
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