Restaurant Review : EU : NL - Dutch

Did you go out on a Valentine's Day date this week? Hubby and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day - not because it's corny or that we are too aged for that but we just don't. We think we should feel in love and loved every moment of our lives and that we vowed to keep our relationship so. Hubby and I met each other in the month of the hearts. We also fell in love at first sight. No, we can't say it was naive or out of impulse because we were ripe enough when we met each other. We just knew who or what kind of person - exactly we would want to see ourselves walking in sticks with. I was in my early 30s and hubby was in his early 40s. No, it wasn't a ten year gap - it was less but let's drop the "age talk" and go on with that "love talk."

I haven't been here for a few days though I've been peering on articles offline and been wanting to post but just was so drunk in love I had to take some time off. February is the busiest month for us - friend's wedding anniversaries, weddings of friends and... can you imagine being married on the Valentines' day? I guess it's one of the best days to tie the knots. Every where you look there's these red hearts everywhere, couples holding hands, kissing in the park - there's too much love in the air. I suppose every year you celebrate your wedding anniversary - your love would surely be rekindled. As for February ... it's a month when you could go on a date in a restaurant and though it's not even that Valentine's day - you already get chocolates in a red box when you walk in as a couple. I had that experience this week and though we do not celebrate Valentines Day, I have to say I love February.

Where I live - is called the Bitcoin Capital of The World and who knows ... with a bit more push and more luck on the upcoming Coin Fest in April 8... who knows .. one day - it could also be the "Steem Capital of the Earth" for now .. day dreaming is allowed. (laughs) I took my betterhalf on a date to celebrate the day we met in one of those restos that accepts BTC for payments and so this review was born. Intrigued? Read on.

How about you?
Where did you go on a date this week?
With who?
What was it like?
What did you do together?
Was it like ours - always sealed with a kiss?
I'm hoping you'd spill ;) ...

I took each pic with a Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Here you can find my other reviews, travel/weekends out and culture and traditions related articles.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .


I took some of these pictures with my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 and some with my Samsung Galaxy A3, 2016 edition.

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