Day 46: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: gullible

Welcome to my Day 46: 5 Minute Freewrite




Gullible Berney lives in a tree asking for candy from whoever stopped by.

He loved his tree. It was on a path that people walked more than Joanie's path, so he knew without a doubt, that he got more candy then Joanie.

Little did he know, Joanie was a firecracker, and had a stash of candy for her own, that she got from Berney.........tho Bernie was none the wiser.

She had dug a hole in the back of his tree and every day would take 1/2 of what Berney got.

She knew Berney was too trusting. He was called gullible for a reason...........


One day when he mentioned about his candy going down so fast, Joanie told him that candy deflated after a while, so he really had the same amount but it just looked like less.

Berney believed her and even shared his candy with her so Joanie would not have to eat deflated candy........cuz who wants THAT!


One day Fred came by and dropped off some candy to Berney. He asked Berney about his candy and what did he do with it all.....

Berney, slowly explained, cuz he was talking to a human you know! about the candy deflating and how he ate, every day, as much as he could. How he shared his candy far and wide before it was deflated.

Fred feeling so bad for Gullible Berney.........and being taken for a ride by everyone it would seem..........asked Berney to come live with him.

He had a nice place and was a bit lonely sometimes and then Gullible Berney could have all the candy he wanted! Whenever he wanted.

Berney not being stupid, just gullible, asked for time to pack his belongings. He would be ready in two sec's but would there be an address I can write down for my friends to find me?

Fred said, "Of course! Just leave a note saying you are living with Fredrich William Wonka."

Gullible Berney lived happily ever after.


I did go a few minutes over 5 minutes today. I could not leave Berney in that tree with deflated candy!

Happy Writing!

Here are a few of my other #freewrite if you care to read more:

Day 45: the smell of a dumpster
The Weekend Freewrite 5
Day 43: camping
Day 42: Black
Day 41: The goat ate my
Day 39/40: swimming with the dolphins/pasta
Day 38: Prompt: Fresh Floor Wax X 2
Weekend Freewrite 4
Day 34: Prompt: Big Wave
Day 33: Prompt: Hair
Day 32: Prompt: scream
Weekend Freewrite 3 - The First Sentence

3 columns
2 columns
1 column