After Demon Purification :: Haiku of Japan #87

oni no deta ato hakidashite agura kana

after the demons leave
I sweep up
and sit, relaxed

by Issa
(Tr. David LaSpina)

Young Man Throwing Beans at Setsubun 節分の儀式(豆撒き) 鈴木春信 Suzuki Harunobu.jpg
(Young Man Throwing Beans at Setsubun by Suzuki Harunobu)

Another haiku for Setsubun from Issa. If you forgot what Setsubun was, look here. Briefly, it is a spring festival that features a fun event where kids throw soy beans at someone (usually dad) dressed as a demon, chanting "Get out demon, get in good luck!" These days no one actually believes they are chasing away demons. It remains just a fun event, mostly for kids.

Here Issa is cleaning up and relaxing after the event is over. There is a sense of satisfaction at how simple and enjoyable life can be. The events of Issa's own life show how fragile that simple life can be: the very next year his son and his wife would both die. With that in mind, this hokku takes on a bittersweet tone. How quickly it all can change.

Don't miss other great haiku in the Haiku of Japan series!
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Who is David?
Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.
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