The Interview Showcase #28 - Exclusive Talk With A Crypto Analyst / Poland User


Hello Folks,

It's The Interview Showcase!!!. with your one and only host ubongudofot...This is the 28th Edition of “The interview Showcase...."

A lifestyle program that comes with many educational values. A weekly interview of top users/users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that are able to help other users to understand the blockchain and make use of it in the correct way. Sometimes they seek some valuable suggestions here which can help them solve some of their challenges.

This week, I placed a call with one long time steemian who seems to have his style of initiating conversation in a content.He owned Project hope community and he seems to know a lot of Nigerians, and he always has a large audience in his comment section, he seems to have a large idea in crypto, maybe that's the reason he bears the name crypto.....who is this guy...? Join me as i interviewed @crypto.piotr who is currently living in Thailand, he is from Poland.


: You joined the platform some years back, for those who missed your "IntroduceYourself" post, what can you tell us about yourself in one sentence?

🔶Crypto.piotr: One sentence only? That will be quite challenging. Let me try. I'm @crypto.piotr and from the very beginning of my adventure on Steemit, I've been interested in getting to know people who share similar values and interests towards topics related to blockchain technology, crypto, economy, business, marketing and psychology.

: How did you hear about Steemit and why did you join?

🔶Crypto.piotr: Frankly, I don't remember how I heard about Steemit.
However, I've joined sometime at the beginning of 2018 and at that time I worked as a project manager for one already established Swiss company which wanted to tokenize their assets by launching their own STO (security token offering). One of my goals was to build a community of bloggers and influencers and use that network to promote our project worldwide.

Steemit seemed to be an excellent place to start, since it's build on top of transparent blockchain (which allowed me to target my audience very efficienty and I could easily find people who could become part of our team). That's how @project.hope community was created. We were supposed to be a foundation for that STO, which unfortunatelly never happened since mentioned Swiss company went “belly up” during covid.

The entire project has been shut down, however by that time I've already realized the value of our PH community and I dedicated most of my free time in the upcoming years to expand and grow our network.

: What has been your greatest achievement both here in the platform and in real life?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I used to think of achievements in terms of money earned, countries I've visited and opponents I've knocked-out (during times when I was younger and still fought in the ring from time to time).

Currently I consider @project.hope to be my biggest achievement. Knowing, that I've managed to improve the quality of life of several people is emotionaly very fulfilling, and PH clearly helped quite a few users to build a decent source of income, while bringing more value to STEEM blockchain at the same time.

Being able to change someones life for the better, while reaching my own goals is something I'm very proud of. Also, receiving appreciation from those people is the most rewarding thing I've ever experienced in my life. I believe, that no amount of money, success or fame could ever match it.

: Most of your contents always ask for feedback, why do you like this approach?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I do that mainly because my goal is to get to know people who share similar interests and who invest their own time to engage in the comment section. And informative publications are not really the most engaging type of content.

I believe, that if we want our content to be “consumed” by others, then it is crutial to get people involved, and asking for feedback is a great way to go. Especially if I do that to actually learn something from others and I made them know about it. People LOVE to share their knowledge and opinions.

Also in my personal view, in current days giving them your own time and attention (by reading and replying to received comments) is the MOST VALUABLE CURRENCY out there. This is something we should all know if we aim to build network/community around ouIrselfs.Key is to find topics, which fascinate me and which I like to discuss with others.Hopefully I'm making sense.

: Apart from financial ideas, what will you say the theme of your content is?

🔶Crypto.piotr: Since my goal is to constantly improveme of my financial education, I focus on that particular topics. And I like to study other subjects (like crypto, AI, blockchain technology, marketing, world economy, psychology etc) which I see very closely related to original interest. So finances are at the CORE of my interest.

Currently, my goal is to help expand financial knowledge of everyone who is active part of @project.hope. I would say, that within 3 years since we've started our group, many of us learned mindblowing amount of things about all mentioned topics. And we're often learning from each other. Progressing and together moving forward.

It has been amazing journey so far, and I myself learned more about those topics within last 3 years on Steemit, than I did in my entire life before that.

: Do you have a pet, please tell us about it?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I wonder … is that question you asked everyone? Or did you know I actually have a pet?.

Together with my wife, we're raising our little 5 year old rescued doggy, who we adopted when he was just 8 months old. I myself am not an animal lover, however, even I feel butterflies in my tummy when I look at him. His name is Happy. Just check out that photo.

: I look into your blog and discovered that you were always very active, what made you stop blogging for along time and why did you start blogging again?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I wish to have enough time to post more often, however managing @project.hope community is my priority and it is quite time consuming. I receive great amount of help from @josevas217 and @lupafilotaxia and it's making my work here easier, but there is never enough time to do everything.

I'm guessing that posting on my own profile is not at the highest place. Especially since it's very time consuming (my recent post had over 100 comments and it took me few hours to read all and respond to most of them).

Recently, I'm investing most of my time trying to promote our @project.hope community and attract more delegators. On top of that Im trying to establish a strong and healthy relationship with few witnesses and several developers here on Steemit. My goal is to find ways of bringing more value to STEEM blockchain in hope, that efforts of many people working together will have positive impact.There is simply never enough time. I'm sure you know something about it.

: Do you think there is hope for steemit in your country?

🔶Crypto.piotr: It is hard to tell. I'm strong Steemit believer, but it seems to me that it's not very popular within developed countries.

: How do you feel looking back to see that most users you joined steemit with are no longer here?

🔶Crypto.piotr: What if I tell you, that most of @project.hope members are still around and have been posting often for 2-3 years?.

I put a lot of effort to ensure that those who are valuable part of our community do not simply “disappear”. I make sure to be in touch via discord with every single member of our community. I learn about them, about their lifes, goals, families and I put an extra effort to build some relationship between us.

Every month I'm visiting profile of each person who is part of our group and whenever I see that someone didn't publish/comment in a while – I'm always there to reach out. To learn about reasons behind their absence. Very often people are coming back simply for the fact that they see that someone out there even noticed that they are gone.
You would be amazed how many people I managed to get back on Steemit, simply by showing that I care.

It does require time and effort on my part, but as a result – large number of those who joined project.hope is still active on Steemit. Because being part of project.hope often make them feel, like they BELONG. And that is another emotion, which makes people come back and stick around for long.

: I know you are married, what qualities do you think matters the most in a marriage?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I don't think I'm the best person to ask :) I always believed that being patient and listening to your loved one should be enough. But it often isn't.

I am still trying to figure out how our “better halfs” function and how females are “programmed” by society. It is not an easy process, since we both come from very different cultures and backgrounds.

One thing I've learned, that having common goal can work miracles. Even at our hardest times, when we shared same goal – things were fine most of the time.

Lack of common goals, or lack of goals at all – it is something that is “disconnecting” people and that's when most problems seem to begin.

: How have you contributed to the growth of this platform

🔶Crypto.piotr: Wow. I could say that I did it in number of ways. Being a founder of @project.hope community and supporting our members is definetly worth mentioning. I've “used” our network to bring traffic and promote several projects build on top of STEEM blockchain. And ultimately this is how I intend to be bringing value to STEEM: by helping developers get some traction and exposure to their work.

After all, developers should be busy with coding and leave marketing and brand building to those with experience in that field. And this is exactly what I aim to do in 2023. I'm currently in contact with few devs and witnesses building new front-ends. My goal will be to “use” my reach and strong follower-base to bring more awareness on Steemit about those projects.

: Some weeks ago, you wrote an article about affiliate marketing, why do you think this approach can add more values to steem growth?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I'm flattered to know that you've read my publication about it. Initially I believed that this could be a great way to go. However, based on received feedback, I came to the conclusion that it may not be the best time to move forward with that idea.

Especially after the recent FTX collapse, which made people (including me) wonder if promoting Binance as their affiliate would be a good idea. Currently, I'm having doubts if I would be able to involve many people to participate.

: What plans have you put in place to make this happen if given opportunity?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I already managed to become an approved Binance affiliate marketer and I've spend hours discussing the entire idea with a number of people. Conclusion is that it would be all just a waste of time right now and that we shall wait until current bear market will be over.

Once dust will settle down and everyone will forget about FTX and CZ from Binance (which many blame for creating panic “bank-run” causing FTX collapse) then I will get back to that topic.

: Your community “Project Hope” was once a booming community in the blog with Nigerians, did you ever think of visiting Nigeria?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I think I'm too much of a coward ….I'm scared of malaria and even more terrified of SARS units. Almost every Nigerian person I talked to experienced malaria in their life. And many told me insane stories about their encounter with SARS. I rather stay away from both.

: What do you do in your leisure, is it all work, work and work?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I still do western boxing whenever I have a chance and for past few years I've been coaching boxing in number of gyms. And obviously, I often enjoy having fun with my wife and our little puppy.

: Presently I am running a solar Pv project sponsored by @pennsif and it looks like it is one of the biggest projects this season, do you think you can support this and how will that be?

🔶Crypto.piotr: Allow me to bounce back this question.How do you think I could help you and this project? If you tell me more about your needs (except obvious one, which is money) then I can see for myself if there is anything I could do to support it.How does it sound?

: Ofcourse projects like this need fund to actualize it and most likely what i need. or you could give upvotes to publications setting beneficiaries to the @smilenigeria account to support this project

: Do you think this can help promote steemit?

🔶Crypto.piotr: Unfortunatelly, I don't know enough about that particular project to have an opinion.
Perhaps you could tell me, how can solar PV project impact and promote Steemit?.


: When a project is done in a place of need, there is only one question in the mines of people that lives around and that is......Who sponsored this? Fell free to read this article for more info :

: What’s your favorite music? Can you sing?

🔶Crypto.piotr: I listen to whatever my wife does hahaha :) I already forgot what I used to listen before we became “one”.That is brutal truth. Luckily she has solid taste in music.

: As an old timer in this platform, what advice will you like to tell newbies and users who are struggling to make it here as well?

🔶Crypto.piotr: Many new users are here in hopes to earn for living. And they hope that posting quality content should be enough. And most of them fail.

If your goal is to build “connections” with others, become part of communities, getting to know people and building network around yourself (or project you manage) then Steemit is a great place to be.

So my advice is: get your priorities straight and realize what is your goal here. What you want to achieve. And if your main drive is earning rewards by simply posting content, then you may end up wasting your time.

: What message will you like to pass to the steemit team?

🔶Crypto.piotr: That's quite an interesting question. I would appreciate if they could build any sort of communication channels between community leaders/witnesses/developers and themselves. Currently it hardly matters how much you try to get in touch with anyone who represent STEEM INC. Failure in the process is pretty much guaranteed.

I would like to work and collaborate with them. Not wanting anything in return. And I'm not the only one out there who have ideas or resources, but cannot find a way to communicate with Steemit team. It's almost like they are all working in the FORTRESS. With only one-way communication.

: Which user will you like me to interview on my show?

🔶Crypto.piotr:There is number of people, which I would like you to interview. Some of them (@xpilar, @josevas217, @blockseater) already did it and I've learned great deal about them.

I would love you to consider interviewing @lupafilotaxia (he is an university professor). He is also in a way my “right hand” man within project.hope. We know each other quite well already and I found him to be very loyal and interesting individual. He is definetly someone I would like to learn more about.

: What can you say about my show?

🔶Crypto.piotr:I've read most of your interviews done in recent months and I found them all to be conducted in a very professional manner. You clearly know how to talk to people, without making them feel challenged or uncomfortable. I've learned to appreciate and value your work as an interviewer and I'm honoured to be your guest today.

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better every day. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you will like me to feature? Is there a user you will like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all would be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Cantact Me

Please note that users/guest's privacy or confidentiality would be considered first before posting, thank you.

See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it !!!

The Previous Shows:

1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13,14,15,14,16,17,18, 19,20,21,22,23, 24,25,26,27

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