14th series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of your fetus at 24 and 25weeks, what you should know about Preterm labor


Welcome to week 24 and 25 of fetus development, congratulations you are nearing the end of your second trimester. How times flies! you have ±15 weeks left to carry your baby awwwn!! The feelings is real now right? You will see many changes both for you and your baby. I'm happy most pregnant women here do appreciate this series and ask some questions. Hope you are doing well this week, I'm sorry I couldn't give you update last week due to some busy schedule I had but hopefully I'm combining this week lessons and I know you will appreciate the lesson. So read on to learn more about the changes in both you and your baby’s bodies during week 24 & 25 of pregnancy.

PREGNANCY AT 24 WEEKS (6 months)

The Fetus this week is 32cm and about 670grams wow!! this baby's is running to 1kg as baby fat is growing which makes the baby looks chubby so get ready to welcome new weight and manage it well. At this stage, several organs have been developed the nervous system and respiratory system is developing too. The lungs are ready to start respiration in the first few seconds after birth, the baby is also growing fat that the reason weight is increasing rapidly. The inner ear at this stage is fully developed, the cell that produces surfactant is also developing surfactant is composed of lipids and fat which helps in stabilizing the tiny air sacs in the lungs which are needed for healthy breathing.

Source check the size of fetus according to weeks

PREGNANCY AT 25 WEEKS (6 months)

The fetus at this week is 785 grams and 33.7cm from head to heels, weight gain is accumulating as baby fat is developing, movement increases, development continues as your fetus grows day by day, the brain and other part of the nervous system continues to grow. They can hear you as you speak, blood vessels are forming under the skin causing the skin to change colour, finger print is forming too. The lungs development is still in progress and the baby is practicing breathing in amniotic fluid. Also, the fetus is starting to develop its sense of balance which helps them differentiate which way is up or down inside your uterus, the fetus is able to perform grasping motions and can even grab their own umbilical cord Wow that's amazing.



Bump increases more than before, your weight increases too, your nipple becomes dark and your body start producing colostrum. Any changes you see know that your body undergoes this due to the presence of different hormones to make the baby grow healthy, so do not panic after delivery you will get your body back.

Other symptoms you will see this week includes;

  • Stretch marks as your body increases
  • Itchy skin as you have much stretch marks
  • Constipation
  • Dark skin
  • Backaches
  • Headaches
  • Forgetfulness
  • Mood swings
  • Snoring
  • Bloating
  • Heartburns
  • Hemorrhiod

Please note; not all pregnant women experience this so if you don't experience any of this symptoms you are fortunate.


🤰 Prepare now for labor by continuing your kegel excercise, this will help you control your bladder from leaking urine. Kegel will also prevent haemorrhoids due to frequent constipation. Kegel helps to reduce the need for episiotomy or tear during labor. So continue doing your kegel excercise.

🤰 Your hospital bag should be ready and everything intact.

🤰 Continue taking your prenatal vitamins

🤰 Go to hospital for your check up on your appointment date.

🤰 Eat healthy meals

🤰 Do yoga exercise too.

🤰 Wear your maternity gowns to feel free and good.

🤰 Prepare your mind for delivery and breastfeeding.



It is a labor that occurs at early stage of your pregnancy, it can happen before 37 weeks of your pregnancy which may leads to an early birth.


🤰 Unusual discharge

🤰 Vaginal bleeding

🤰 Abdominal cramps

🤰 Leaking fluids

🤰 Low back pains


🤰 Infections

🤰 Stress

🤰 Multiple pregnancies

🤰 Diabetes

🤰 High blood pressure

🤰 Smoking

🤰 Gene

And any other factors can cause it.


🤰 Have enough rest.

🤰 Always like on your left side to improve blood circulation to the uterus.

🤰 Drink enough water to help control hormones that causes contractions

🤰 Empty your bladder as soon as you feel the urge to urinates so as to prevent urinary tract infections (UTI) which can cause contraction.

🤰 Do not lift heavy objects.


As you near the end of your second trimester be ready to finish this journey, as you prepare your mind for labor. Avoid things that will make you run into Preterm labor, get your hospital bag ready as you await your amazing gift. Mostly always communicate with your growing fetus, doing this will increase your bond and love. Come next week as we will talk about another interesting topic.

Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715 if you have a private issue for more professional advice, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

The Previous Series:

1, 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 9,10,11,12,13,



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