Feeling Stuck- Update and new tips!

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Hi my dear friends here on Steemit!! I hope you all are having a fantastic day so far and feeling good wherever you are at this moment. I want to continue my thoughts on feeling stuck, and how to move on in this post. I got some great tips in the last post about this topic, so I would love to share some of them that have worked for me!

I am feeling that I am moving forward again, and I needed to get some time away from blogging to get back my inspiration. I am feeling that the flow I usually sense when I am writing and creating, need some break from time to time, to reload the energy and ideas. I am always writing straight out of my feelings, mood, and thoughts, with my heart being a big part of it. For me writing in this flow modus, is a way of living. I love to create and when I do, I am feeling that my body is light and filled with a golden vibration. And moments, or days where I feel that I am stuck, I get pain in my stomach and feel the restlessness in my body. How do you experience the flow in your life? Do you also have a strong sense inside of you, when you do whats right for you, and when not? I would love to take part of your feelings and thoughts about this topic. You are all pure love and light, and I feel that we are connected on a deeper level, even if we connect to the internet. For me, it has started to be important to share my inner journey as well as the outer because I know that when I can reach one of you with my words, I have found my purpose in life. When we find ways how to help and support other living beings, we are fulfilling our destiny, and it makes our heart happy.

Here are some of the tips I have followed:

  • Do anything different each day. Even as small as walking a slightly different route, or eating something you haven't had in a long time. (Thank you @eco-alex !) This has helped me more than all the other tips I tried out. Trying something new each day have made me enjoy my day more, and it has led to discovering new places and new things I like. So anyone struggling with feeling stuck, try this out. It can be really anything. Walk in the other direction, stay at a different place, as usual, eat some other kind of food, speak with a stranger without interpreting anything he or she says, changing your morning routine.
  • Dance. (thank you @trucklife-family for the reminder!) I love to dance, its a way of enjoying life and just letting go the feeling and emotions in the body. Turn on your favorite music and shake it! Kids also love to dance!
  • Drinking a green smoothie every morning. I have now done this for a couple of days and totally love it. I will sure share some recipes soon with you guys, to inspire you to make your own. It is such a fresh and healthy way to start the day with, and especially now when its crazy hot, I need more light food and happily replace my breakfast with some glasses of green creamy smoothie. I make them with 50% fruits and 50% greens. Add some mango and avocado, and you have a health bomb filled with the nutrients and fats you need.
  • Not posting a new recipe every day.
  • Throwing away everything we don't need and use at home. I am working on this every day right now, and have come a good way! It feels so liberating to have more space to move and get rid of old stuff we anyway don't use.
  • Sleeping more and not holding on my routine. This has helped me, because I have felt more tired lately, and enjoyed more sleep as usual. Some days I wake up at 4 am, and some days at 7 am. And I often fall asleep at 9 pm, if I feel tired at the evening. I know it has much to do my menstruation cycle and the moon, so I try to tune in to my body's needs and respond to it.
  • Spending more time with friends I haven't seen for a while.
  • Ask for support and for things you want from others. Noone else can read your mind or know what you want if you don't express it. Don't hide in your own mind.
  • Eat more comfort food. Yes, I do. And right now my comfort food is green smoothies and nicecream;) And my homemade sweet treats.
  • Working less and more efficient. I am always trying to find a way to work more effectively and reduce the time to 4 hours a day, instead of 6 or 8. I need to focus more to really reach my the goals I have set up for myself.
    So now I have organized a new workspace at home, where I can stand while I am working in front of the screen. Because when I have to stand, I don't waste the time on unnecessary stuff, but only on what I want to do. This is very helpful for me! I don't like to sit more than for some minutes because I feel that the energy in my body has no outcome in the same way as when I move.
    I also have made a plan to create not more than one dish and one photo shooting session each day. Otherwise, I spend more hours on this than I would like.
  • Free evenings. I do let the evenings be free most of the time now, to spend time with my partner or just going to sleep early.
  • Spending more time in nature.
  • Always leave the phone at home when I go out. This makes me feel more free and relaxed. I really enjoy the offline time I get this way! (Otherwise, I would spend some of the time outside answering comments or making stories for my Instagram, which is nice, but keep me away from enjoying the nature at it fullest.)
  • Reading books and write more in my notice book.

This is my current situation, and if you have some more tips, I would love to read them in the comments!

Much love to all of you guys!

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Love, Niina

Cant get enough? You can alo find me here:


While you are still here, take your time to check out my other recipes and recent posts:

Nutella only 4 basic ingredients!
Sweet Nutella Pizza
BRUNCH Toasts with bakes sweet potato, eggplants, white bean hummus, avo-dip and roasted chickpeas
Pizza with a crispy oat-crust

Life & Inspiration:

Thank you all! ❤
I want to inspire you to live your dreams, eat delicious, wholesome, nourishing, healthy food, and keep a creative mind. We all can do that, now!

Health starts inside our mind.

All content and images are mine and original. If you want to share my work, you are welcome. Just remember to tag me.

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