A Turkish Filmmaker Intruduce Yourself

First of all I would like to say thank you @sndbox for supporting our projects. It is very difficult for us to introduce our projects in our community. Thanks to them, we have a chance to show our posts to the whole Steemit community. And of course thanks to @monomyth for introducing us to them. Enough of that Oscar talk and lets meet !

That's Me In the Corner

I'm born on January 1 and yes i'm Christmas child. The place where I was born was the center of Turkey, Istanbul. You should come visit Istanbul btw. My name is ''Uluç'' and this is very difficult to pronounce in Turkey. But still it's a Turkish name how come? There are only 471 people in the whole country by this name. Meanwhile, our population has over 80 million. No I'm not the one speaking this, its my ego. I had highest ego in 2 years old me. You can see it in the photo:

Why am I living ?

I graduated from radio TV and Cinema department in this year. Im writing a lot of short fiction movie script and trying to film them all. But i realized i need a lot of money. I have none because i spent all my money when i was student. (too much cliche) So if you do not count school assignments, i have only have one serious short film. That's sucks. But I will not let the system beat me. I will be like Jess Franco (203 credits on IMDB ).

Me and my gross acne on the right

What Have I Done ? (Yes, all titles are song lyrics)

My nickname is VitruvianMan. That means i have to blog in many subjects. Because the Vitruvian Man is one of Da Vinci's drawings for perfection. This drawing represents the perfection. Also known as the Golden Ratio. Vitruvian Man is used in many areas such as philosophy science and art. That's why I chose this nickname. I write about many topics in my profile. For example, there is film review serie in my profile:

There are writings that I call it ''Ism''. Which means all ''ism'' movements are can be topic in these writings. These will both increase our knowledge and enable us to see our habits in science, philosophy or sociology. Here you can see my examples in Turkish:

And of course there is Film, Tv Show and Music series for entertainment. I called it 1F1D1M. That means i recommend 1 film, 1 tv show and 1 music in 1 post. Everybody has a suggestion in these posts. So you get a huge archive for watch and listen. Here are some examples:

I do not always stick to a certain concept. Vitruvian can speak in all matters. Because the golden ratio is present in every area of life. I also write post features with general culture content. These posts show that there are actually thousands of information we need to know. Here are just a few examples:

What Will I Do Sometimes? (It's a Turkish joke, i explain later.)

I have big projects about Stemmit. I especially expect video function to improve on Steemit. As a filmmaker, there are many video projects for Steemit. But I have to wait for it. I am thinking about producing my own series of posts for now. I have an idea behind the camera stories. I also think of an informative series about story and script writing. I will also continue with my previous film reviews and cultural and philosophical posts. I hope I can introduce myself enough. I am looking forward to presenting my projects and posts to you with the great Steemite family !

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