Creation: The Purpose And Goal of Creation.

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

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The Purpose and Goal of Creation

God had specific purpose reasons for creating the world.
(1) God created the heavens and the earth as a visible expression of His glory, beauty, majesty and power. David says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaim the work of His hands" (Psalm 19:1; i8:1). By looking at the entire created cosmos (from the very great size and various part of the universe to the beauty and order of nature), we cannot deny the sense of awe or wonder for God, our Creator.

(2) God created the heavens and the earth in order to receive the glory and honor He deserves. All the elements of nature shows God's creative presence. The sun and moon, rocks and trees, rain and snow, rivers and streams, hills and mountains, animals and birds are all an expression of praise to His honor-to the God who made them (Psalm 98:7-8; 148:1-10; Isaiah 55:12). But God desires and expects to receive glory and praise from human being even more!

(3) God created the earth to provide a place where His purpose and goals for humankind could be fulfilled.
(a) God created Adam and Eve in His own image so that He could have a loving, personal relationship with people for all eternity. God designed people as triune, i.e., three-faceted beings (body, soul, spirit). Some have described the soul as the part of humankind that includes the mind, emotions and free will. With this part we can choose to worship and serve God out of faith, love, loyalty and gratitude. The spirit is a person's true God-given part of us that exist beyond death. This part of us will live forever either in heaven or hell. Sometimes we will find one of these words used in place of the other.


(b) God desired this intimate relationship with humankind to continue. So he promised to send a Savior to redeem humankind from sin's consequence. in this way, God would have people who would enjoy and honor Him by living righteous and holy lives as he planned from the beginning (Isaiah 60:21; 61:1-3; Ephesian 1:11; 1Peter 2:9).

(c) The book of Revelation records the culmination, or ultimate fulfillment, of God's purpose in creation. In it, the apostle John describes the end of history with these words: "He will live with them. they will be His people, and God himself will be with them and be their God" (Revelation 21:3).

Thanks for reading, The next one will be "Creation and Revolution"
God bless you.

[NIV Study Edition Bible]


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