The feeling of defeat isn't one we can't rule out in our journey and it's definitely not one of the nicest feelings we can have. We all dread that feeling.
With a slight feeling of defeat, we tend to crawl back into our shells and hide ourselves from the world. And it's definitely not our fault to react in that manner.
Defeat creeps in when we give our all into making something happen or getting things done and it turns out to be a disaster, making all our efforts futile and most times, unrecognized.
Defeat brings with it a feeling of embarrassment, shame and slaps our inabilities on our faces. And taking all of that is never easy.
And that feeling can actually keep you stuck at one point for a really long time. But we don't have to be like that for far too long. With all the somewhat negative and toxic emotions it brings, It has the ability to weigh us down when we give into it.
But, in the midst of those feeling that feels so toxic, you can rise again, you can still grow out of that which seemed like your end.
Here is How You Can Get Over That Phase And Bounce Back On Your Feet
1. Accept The situation
The sad situation happened, and living in denial won't help solve the situation at all. Accepting will help you see things the way they are and will also offer clarity on how to best deal with it. With acceptance, you will get to figure out if its time to quit, change strategy or keep on fighting.
2. Understand The Difference Between Failing and Being a Failure
Failing doesn't define you as a failure. We are only humans and we clearly can't get things right all the time, so you don't need to be hard on yourself. Once you are able to understand that difference, it will make it easier for you to take steps towards rising up again.
3. Don't Sit And Sulk All Day
Sitting home might seem like the best option but it really never is. Negative thoughts will flock through your mind, you will be tempted to drown yourself in self-pity and its never healthy nor does it help. So, stand up, get out there, connect with the right kind of people and make an effort to live again.
4. Dust Yourself Up And Get Better
The only way to get back is by making an effort to stand again. It might seem like really small steps at first but its those baby steps that will help you rise again. You don't need to compare because the feeling of defeat sometimes comes through that comparison.
5. Practice Gratitude
Sounds so simple, right? But its actually easier said than done especially when in such a state. But with a conscious effort towards that, you will get better at it. In fact, once you give it a try and feel its impact, you will want to do that more often. See the bright side of life, be grateful for it and live. Even in the midst of that humiliating moment, there is light!
Every journey has its ups and downs, and yours is definitely no exception. It never is easy to deal with it, but taking steps towards it will help you get back on your feet. Don't let a temporary phase define your abilities or self-worth. It will all pass.
Remember that you might be feeling defeated, but you are not defeated just yet until you let it happen, its all about mindset. So, get rid of the ego and get over the humiliation, embarrassment and shame, roll up your sleeves and get better!
Much Love, Audrey
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