Terrified Of The Future?

The feeling of uncertainty that comes with the thought of the future often terrifies us. "How is it gonna turn out", we wonder. "Is it gonna work out fine? What if I fail? What if I die early? What if I get heartbroken? etc." These thoughts that instil fear in us about the future often creep into our mind.

Maybe the idea of the future being a mystery and remaining unknown is what scares us the most from it because well, we often feel safe and secure with the familiar and known.

Perhaps we feel by worrying about the future, we prepare for it but clearly, there is no preparation enough for the future, we don't even know what to expect there.

The future isn't something that should make us freak out, I believe the idea of the future is supposed to sprout hope in us and not despair, faith not fear. Hope that there will be a chance for us to work on things, faith that all things are gonna be alright. But sadly, what it does most times is bring fear in us

What makes us scared of that "unknown" is the thoughts we attach to it. Yes, it's unknown but why can't our thoughts about that unknown be exciting, beautiful and fulfilling, why do we need to feed it with the fearful ones?

Feeding our minds with terrifying thoughts about the futures doesn't make it less (or more) of what it is supposed to be. And it doesn't prepare us for it any better. It, in fact, distort our view of life.

It's sad that we often assume the worst things first. When we give the future a terrifying outlook, we "pay interest on trouble, even before it falls" (by worrying). The thing isn't about the future being great or not, it's about leaving in the present and we fail to do that when we feed our fear of the future.

We have faced challenges in the past, there are challenges in the present and there will be in the future, it might be a different challenge altogether, but worrying about it won't change a thing.

As they say, "the only way to have a good future is by living a good present", and you clearly can't do that when you spend your time worrying about that future which you badly want to turn out well. When we get terrified and worried about the future, we miss out on living and enjoying the present

So, when you start getting scared about the future, remember that what is now your past was once seen as a future (you were able to face it also) and what is now the present (which you are so familiar with) was once seen as a future.

Same way, this future you fear will one day be the present, and then in the past. What's gonna happen after then? Another session of worry and fear? Living like that isn't gonna be fulfilling or is it?

Don't let the fear of the future ruin or steal the joy out of the present. One step at a time, that's how you will walk through life. At the right time, you will have solutions to the problem and all you need to conquer the challenge.

One thing is for sure, the future won't be all rainbows and sunshine, there will be bumps and potholes on the road. But well, the present isn't free of all these too, yeah? So, channel your energy into solving the issues of the present and also enjoying it.

Much Love, Audrey

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