You Need To Learn To Stand Alone

We all love being supported and definitely appreciate the support we get from people. The feeling of having support from family, friends and loved ones sure feels amazing.

But the sad thing is that we can't always depend on that. Sometimes, it's not like these people have left our lives, it could be that they have misunderstood or fail to understand us. And this often leads to us feeling alone.

I believe there are two sides of standing or being alone; one that could be destructive and the other that could be empowering. The empowering one is that which I am talking about.

Imagine a child that is learning to walk, at first he is being guided and supported so he won't fall but with time, he is left to try standing on his own, then later he slowly learns to walk on his own. He might fall several times, but he will still try to get back on his feet, until he perfects it.

When you learn to stand on your own, you will be able to conquer your fears, you will build the courage you need to face your worst nightmares and you follow that unthreaded path (if that's where your dreams lie). You unveil your strength!

Learning to stand alone doesn't mean you don't need people in your life, it just means that whenever these people aren't there anymore, you will still get to stand. It means that when the people you thought had your back let you down, you will be able to stand again. You won't just stand, you will stand strong!

There will be times where you will have no other choice than to stand and be alone and it's in that moment that you practice the art of standing alone. You don't have to let the beauty in your life fade of the light go dim because you are alone. You can still shine alone!

It's better to stand alone than struggle to fit in. It's better to stand alone than stand with the wrong kind of people. You don't need to dread being alone because it might turn out to be a blessing in disguise someday.

"Alone" isn't the enemy, it doesn't how to be as horrible as it sounds. It is how you treat it that influences how it turns out to be. You can stay back and sulk all the time about how which will make you feel lonely and depressed or stand and make the best out of it. You can be alone and not lonely.

It's up to you how you want your "alone phase" to be! You want it to be an empowering and fulfilling one? Then you will have to learn to stand alone. You can be alone and still have the best time of your life.

Enjoy every moment you spend with people you love and treasure them too because you might not always have them around. Learn how to live with others, learn how to grow with others but most importantly, learn how to live with yourself and grow on your own.


Much Love, Audrey

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