Fuel Your Productivity

There are a whole lot of things we need to work on daily, from work, family, studies, ourselves, friends etc. and most times, 24hrs seems just too short to get these things done (and also get adequate rest) but we can still find ways to do more in the seemingly little time we have in a day.

One sure thing is that we all want to to be productive, even the "laziest" person you can think of wants to be productive, but they probably have no idea how to beat that laziness, step out and get productive. Nobody wants to wake up and watch their day turn into a waste (at least not me).

We have to understand one thing though, productivity isn't all about being/looking busy, but about being able to make something worthwhile out of our day. So, don't go around trying looking busy and mistaking it for productivity, they are totally different things.

We do know when we are being truly productive and when we are just being busy. Productivity might keep you busy, but being busy won't make you productive (until you decide to be)

1. Get Enough Rest

I am talking about productivity and the firt thing I am discussing is rest? Yes! There is no way one is gonna work effectively when the body is stressed out, so rest is extremely important if we want to really get productive (just don't have too much of it, because you might be sliding into the "lazy" zone).Rest rejuvenates and clears one's mind.

2. Make a Concise To-do List

A well-organized to-do list will help you function better, make sure to break down your task into small steps, that way, it won't look overwhelming each time you look at it. Be sure to keep it in a visible place so it will be a sort of reminder for you.

3. Keep Distractions Away

So, you are doing something that needs your attention and you keep getting notifications from your phone almost every second, how are you gonna get things done that way? You will definitely be tempted to get hold of your phone (a temptation we almost always fall into), and from checking that notification, you stray to other things. Or your friend calls your phone, and well we know the rest of the story.

Of course, there are other sources of distraction, but our gadgets do most of the "distraction" job most times. It will be great if you turn off notification or silence your phone, and shut out any form of distraction when you are doing something that needs your full attention. You will feel more focused and be more productive!

4. Complete One Task at a Time

If you are all over the place attempting to do everything, you might never get to do anything (because there is clearly no focus). Choose something you wanna get done at a particular time and get it done!

We need to get productive in order to get the most out of our day, we can do more in 24hrs than we can imagine (including having fun and getting rest), we just need to prioritize and utilize our time really well. While we get productive, we shouldn't forget to eat well, have the much-needed rest and fun so we don't burnout.


Much Love, Audrey

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