You Don't Have To Hate The Experiences That Shaped You

The experiences we go through (whether good or bad) contribute a great deal to who we turn out to be some of these experiences shapes us into being better versions of ourselves. While some, well, we don't give them the opportunity to do so.

We tend to despise all the unpleasant things that have happened to us in this life (even if they helped us grow), mostly because of how hurt we were by it, how painful it was or the people connected to that event. But we really shouldn't.

These experiences have shaped us in several ways, they have made us become wiser, stronger and even more empowered. Instead of hating them, we should be grateful for them.

The mistakes you made, the poor decisions you took contributed to your growth in some way (actually, in a big way). Maybe it made you feel weak, and incapable at some point, but they were only stepping stones to getting better and a turn around in your life.

You were able to give them the opportunity to shape you, having hateful feelings towards them will be counterproductive. Hate has never been a nice feeling, and I believe it gets worse in situations like these.

For the times when you felt like life wasn't worth living and is just a mess but still fought through, you don't have to hate it. I know it was painful and almost unbearable at that point but that experience has probably made you stronger and appreciate life more.

When you harbour hateful feelings towards all the sad and maybe agonizing experiences that have shaped you in a way, you won't be able to take in ALL the lessons that you need to learn. And I believe these experiences are supposed to shape us, make us better, stronger, appreciative and maybe loving.

You found an exit in those painful moments, you got better, you discovered more about yourself, they shaped you, so you should be grateful for them. Seeing darkness makes us appreciate the light more, sometimes.

Don't be obsessed with trying to straighten out every mistake you've made in the past, because you can't change everything that went on there. Learn the lessons, grow out of the pains and let them go.

There are some things that you might not have discovered if you didn't go through them, and heights that you wouldn't have reached without them. They contributed to your growth, so they definitely don't deserve being hated.


Much Love, Audrey

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