We Really Need to Stop Being Judgmental

We all are no strangers to judgment, we have been judged at some point and have also judged people at some point, you can clearly tell that the feeling of being judged isn't a nice one at all (it, in fact, leaves a nasty taste behind).

Judging has never been a healthy way to pass a message across and sadly, a whole lot of relationships has been ruined by that act of judgment. From family to neighbours, friends to couples etc. all these relationships are sometimes tried by this act. This act, in fact, makes a relationship toxic.

It's crazy how sometimes we are being judged by things we have absolutely no control over, things about just that we can't change. Judging keeps you from enjoying life with people around you and with yourself as well.

What happened to love? what happened to compassion? what happened to respecting one's boundary? what happened to empathy? They are better ways to pass our message across.

A judgmental person is never appreciated by people, with time he is left alone because of the unwelcoming habit he practices.

Yes, we ought to help each other grow, but we can pass our message without judgments or hurtful words. With love, empathy and compassion.

Not judging others does not mean accepting their view even when it contradicts our values and beliefs. It only means respecting their own views as well and allowing them to see things in their own perspective.

Sometimes, we can't fully stop these negative judgments from lurking around in our minds, but we can do something else! We can stop them from escaping from our lips and giving them the potential of ruining someone else's day.

Life becomes more beautiful, fulfilling and exciting when we learn to push judgments aside. We don't know what other's are passing through, we don't know their complete story.

We are all human, with different stories to tell, instead of judging, we can always lend a helping hand, instead of pushing down, we can help each other grow. We don't need to disapprove of others in order to celebrate ourselves.

Let's maintain (and create) beautiful relationships with people. With less judgment and more love, the world will be a better place to live in.

Much Love, Audrey

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