For When You Feel Rejected

We all hate the feeling of being rejected, it has never been a nice feeling, and never will be. It seems quite hard (if not impossible) to deal with it. It's something that we just can't stand. Sadly, most of us have had to face it at some point, some dealt with it quite well and some of us, well, not so well.

Rejection can come in different forms and at different points in our lives, whether it's you being rejected by someone you love, your job application being rejected, your visa application being rejected, your school application being rejected or your ideas being rejected. Rejection will always come, and it happens, even to the best of us.

Rejection sure is painful, it makes one doubt their self-worth, it makes one lose confidence, it makes negative thoughts flow through one's mind. Handling rejection definitely isn't an easy thing to do.

But then, we should not let such a sad event define our entire life. We shouldn't let other people's view or ideas about us keep us trapped and away from living our lives.

Here is how you can handle rejection better;

1. Know That Rejection Doesn't Make you Less

It easy to think less (and the worse) about ourselves when rejected, but that really isn't. Our value or worth doesn't change because of other people's opinion. Understand your value, and don't let the rejection make you forget that. Saying some positive affirmations to yourself will help you understand (and believe) your worth.

2. Be Open To Possibilities

Sometimes rejection might mean redirection, it might be a blessing in disguise, don't let it slip away. All you need do is open your heart to possibilities that might come your way, accept them and work toward them. It will work out well in the end. Rejection isn't the end, don't let it put a stop to your life.

3. Go and Be Better

Yes, they rejected you and rejection hurts. Its okay to cry it out, but don't go and sulk all day in bed. you might never get better that way, you may, in fact, feel worse (because all that will flood your head are negative thoughts). So, get up, step out, take care of yourself, learn and be better.

The thought of being rejected alone terrifies us, and we often times try hard to fit in or seek other people's approval so we don't get rejected but no matter how hard we try, rejection will always show up. But that doesn't mean you are a failure, it doesn't mean you are less valuable.

You just can't meet everyone's expectation and ideals, and that's totally okay. When someone rejects part of you, know that there is someone out there that is willing to accept the whole of you, so, don't drown in their rejection.
Remember that rejection in itself isn't what distort our view of ourselves (and things around), but the thought we feed ourselves with after a rejection.

Much Love, Audrey

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