You Comfort Zone Is Full Of Limits, Step Out Of It

The feeling of being comfortable and secured sure is amazing, and almost all of us love it and will love to live in comfort and certainty for all our lives. However, not all of life happen in our comfort zone and with time, we get bored of it (even though we hardly ever admit that).

It's safe there, there is no insecurity or risks (maybe minimal), we are familiar with everything that goes on there, we've created this place for ourselves and have grown to love it. It just screams comfort! And it's obviously hard to step out of that zone.

We really aren't been fair to ourselves whenever we decide to dwell in our comfort zone instead of going out there to explore. I have learnt over time that when we live within that zone, we only create boundaries for ourselves which only limits us. We discover our greatest abilities outside of our comfort zone.

Sometimes, leaving your comfort zone isn't about taking drastic step or going to new places, it is about freeing your mind of ideas and beliefs that you once held on to which no longer work for us (or limits us), its about opening up to new (and maybe outrageous) ideas also. It's being open to life's possibilities.

Just Incase You Are Still Thinking Of Why You Need to Step Out, Here Is Why:

  • It's a journey of self-discovery
  • Stepping out helps you explore your abilities (which you never thought you have)
  • You spot opportunities you never thought existed
    It gives you an opportunity to overcome your fears
  • You get to see life differently
  • You get to have fun (more than you ever have) etc.

There are a whole lot of things to explore, a whole lot of things to learn and also experience. And that comfort zone only limits us and keep us from enjoying all of these. Once you begin to step out, things that seem scary once might become your new normal.

Leaving Our Comfort Zone Can Be Really Tough, Maybe You Could Try These Steps out;

1. Take Small Steps

Taking big steps might be overwhelming and might seem unachievable (and hard). Often times, we step back into our shells once we realize how hard that step is. When we break it down, it gets easier to practice and with time we will be able to walk out of that zone.

2. You Might Get Lost, and That's Okay

Stepping out means going into the unknown (the unfamiliar) and you are most probably going to get lost (and confused), but you don't need to freak out. It might be hard, but stay calm and enjoy the process, with time, you will find your way, discover so many things, and everything will make sense.

3. Set Out With a Teachable Heart

Having a heart that yearns to learn more and explore will sure motivate into taking that step that you need to take. When you close your heart to learning, you wouldn't enjoy that process, and not only that, you wouldn't have enough motivation to keep you walking through that strange and unfamiliar path.

Life is full of opportunities, possibilities, adventures and fun that can definitely not be found in our comfort zone. In order to enjoy all of it, we will need to step out of that zone which feels like "home" and is so secured. We really can't do much there. Break those boundaries which you've set (to kind of protect you?) and explore, it might be a tough step, but it will be worth it in the end.

Remember that stepping out doesn't happen once, it is continuous. That which seems uncomfortable at some point might become comfortable with time (and practice), you will need to step out of it too when it becomes too comfortable. Don't miss out on life by being trapped in your comfort zone, the real fun, adventures and opportunities are out there!

Much Love, Audrey

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