Happy Steemit New Year – 2017 intentions and 2016 review

Including an index of my 2016 posts, in categories, for the convenience of anybody who might want to go back and look at some of my archives.

Or failing that, for my own convenience at some point in the future!

Image by @sift666

2016 has shown me a fascinating time on Steemit. I’ve reconnected with my own desire to write and share knowledge. I’ve read all sorts of great stuff. I’ve connected with and talked to a bunch of amazing, entertaining and funny people.

Here’s a snapshot of a moment in time that is the 1st January, 2017:

I’m no @papa-pepper (though I did win a @papa-pepper snow globe) but I’m very happy with my achievements and my body of work here on Steemit.

A salute to some of my fellow kiwis here on Steemit

~ @sift666, @benjamin.still, @trevor.george, @skymaiden, @kiwiscanfly, @biglipsmama, @senseiteekay

A shout out to a few of the others I think of as friends

~ @alienbutt, @baerdric, @dreemit, @giantbear, @michelle.gent, @neptun, @nonameslefttouse, @onetree, @rebeccaryan, @themagus, @woman-onthe-wing

There are too many whose posts I enjoy to list them all!

“Hope to see you back” to some who have disappeared

~ @daxon, @geke, @jamielefay, @jimitations, @lukeofkondor, @sharingeverybite, @stephmckenzie


My Steemit goals for 2017

I love Steemit and I’m here for the long haul. But I have spent a LOT of time here, and in 2017 I need to spread my attention a bit wider.

I tried allocating a certain amount of time each day, but to be honest, I then totally disregarded my own rules. So the only rule I’m going to set is – no Steemit from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Thursday. Everytime (if there is such a word – if there isn’t, I just invented it) else is fair game.

I aim to write three or four new articles a week.

New articles on nutrition or health will be shared on my other websites and blogs. I need to spend at least as much time each week getting those blogs up to date and maintaining them as I spend on Steemit. I’ll also share some on StumbleUpon.

At this point I still intend to do my own manual curating, commenting as much as I can.

I had to give up curating health-trail, as I didn’t have to time to do it justice on my own. But I’m hoping to continue to support steemtrail by helping @baerdric curate paleo-trail.

I’m not going to set numerical goals for reputation or SteemPower, because I have no idea of the limits we can reach. But I’m aiming for 500 followers, or even more!

Other intentions for 2017

I could list a bunch of new habits, or old habits that I want to get back into. But for now here are 3:

• Walk at least 20 minutes every day
• Work out with weights in our home gym at least 3 times a week
• And I might do another 3 day water fast sometime in January

Although the weather in Wellington is coldish, wettish, very windy and most un-summer-like today, @sift666 and I did put on our jackets and winter hats and walk down to the beach. So Day 1 is ticked off.

A fantastic 2017 to you all. Thanks for reading this far, and I hope my Index below is helpful to some of you.

Archive of my 2016 posts, in these categories ~ Recipes & Kitchen tips ~ Nutrition ~ Health & Lifestyle ~ Music & Entertainment ~ Other Thoughts about Life


(these are all real food recipes, and mostly gluten free, grain free, Paleo and GAPS friendly)

Choc Blackcurrant Smoothie
Paleo Cottage Pie
Feijoa Pear Smoothie
Grain free, dairy free Pumpkin & Cashew Bread
Tip for storing ginger & tumeric
Grain Free Banana Cashew muffins
Warming winter soup
Breakfast ideas
Healthy Chocolate & Fudge
Jerky with vegetables
Choco-mallow protein bars
Equipment for the real food kitchen
Carrot Almond bread
Grain free Fruit & Nut bar
Vegetable muffins
Finger food for a gathering
Real food ideas for snacks and road trips
Grain free cheese muffins
Best ever (and easiest) Christmas cake
Orange Cranberry Xmas Breakfast Muffins
Festive smoothies for Xmas morning
Crisp & crunchy Xmas cheese stars
Xmas menu ideas
Planning your holiday eating to be a bit more balanced
• For MORE RECIPES and my 15 step Whole Food cooking course, see my recipe website.


The wide variety of healthy diets out and what they have in common
The travels of Weston A Price and his discoveries about healthy diets
Good fats vs bad fats
DNA testing for better Health & Fitness
DNA testing part 2: How Well Do I Digest Carbs?
DNA testing Part 3: I can’t eat Carbs & How to Manage that
About the Gut & Psychology syndrome (GAPS) diet Part 1 – Can it help autism?
GAPS diet Part 2: Foods we can’t have
GAPS diet Part 3: Foods we CAN have
GAPS diet Part 4: What if I can’t eat some animal foods
Salicylate intolerances
Introduction to the Paleo diet


Sleep like a kitten Part 1 – 3 tips
Sleep Well Part 2 – What’s your sleeping style?
Sleep Well Part 3 – Resetting your body clock
Thoughts about Breast Health
I’ve got a cold & how to handle it
Overcoming my fears
Positivity Challenge 4 – Emotional Freedom Technique Part 1
EFT Part 2 – Getting started
Six days training in a new natural therapy
Quick & Easy calming tip
EFT Tapping videos for Xmas stress


Benefits of joining a community choir
Wearable Arts Award Show
60 years of my favourite music – 1957 to 1966
60 years of my favourite music – 1967 to 1971
60 years of my favourite music – 1972 to 1976
Singing carols with the NZ Symphony Orchestra PLUS my best loved Christmas music
60 years of my favourite music – 1976 to 1983
60 years of my favourite music – 1983 to 1988
60 years of my favourite music – 1988 to 1994
If crying in movies was an Olympic sport
60 years of my favourite music – 1994 to 2001
60 years of my favourite music – 2001 to 2007
60 years of my favourite music – 2008 to 2014


My Intro
Are there kiwis in the house?
My grandmother’s legacy
Steemit in downtown Wellington
Observations from a bus
The brandy snap maker
2 months on Steemit and now curating health, nutrition and recipes
Positivity Challenge 3 – Acts of kindness
Positivity Challenge 4 with a twist
News on the NZ earthquake
More news on the NZ quake
Earthquake aftermath
The NZ Prime Minister just resigned!
Remembering those who passed away in 2016

Follow me for more health, nutrition, food, lifestyle and recipe posts.

[I offer one on one nutritional coaching or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) sessions by Skype. Bitcoin, Steem or Paypal accepted. Contact me in Discord or SteemitChat.

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