Practising Self-Forgiveness

Self-forgiveness is something that we will need to practice continually as long as we breathe. That's because as long as we are alive, we are bound to do certain things that might need our forgiveness, and there will be times when you will get caught up in all the guilt, the sadness and all the negative emotions that you might even forget to forgive and free yourself.

We might never get to perfect the art, but by putting a conscious effort through practising, we will get better at it. And we will be able to alert ourselves whenever we seem to derail towards that path which might make you act unkindly towards yourself.

Self-forgiveness (or forgiveness in general) is not easy to practice and it definitely doesn't happen overnight. But, all hope is not lost!

You only need to take gradual steps towards it (no matter how small) and with time and constant practice, you will be able to reach your goal. You may want to check out my previous post here to read more about what self-forgiveness is all about.

Here A Few Steps You Will Want To Take In Your Journey Towards Freeing Yourself

1. Realize What You Need To Forgive Yourself For And Why

Realizing what you are forgiving yourself for is a step in the right direction. You can't forgive if you don't know what or why you are forgiving. So, search through, discover why you are being hard on your self and work towards obtaining that forgiveness from yourself.

2. Understand You Can't Control The Outcome Of Every Situation

If you knew the steps you took were gonna end up bad, you wouldn't have taken it. If you knew the words you said were gonna hurt someone really badly, you probably wouldn't have said it. And if you had your way, you definitely will make sure everything turned out perfectly but well, we can't control everything that happens around us. And that realization alone can help you in wanting to take more steps towards letting go.

3. Accept That The Past Is The Past

It has happened, the deed has already been done. We might not be able to change all that went on in the past but we can do something better, accepting the fact that it is our past and is already behind us. Punishing yourself for what has already passed doesn't seem like the wisest step to take. So, forgive!

4. Understand Your Worth

Once you are able to understand your worth, you will be able to act a bit more kind to yourself which includes forgiveness and showing love to ourselves.

5. Be Gentle With Yourself

Its gonna take time to be completely over it and finally let go. You won't be able to undo what you've done but you can put in your best into being better now. Gradually, you will get there.

Understand that you deserve your own forgiveness. It may seem like don't deserve it sometimes, but that really isn't so. So, let yourself free and enjoy your best life!


Much Love, Audrey

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