The Unusual Kind Of Forgiveness

Maybe not so unusual. Being able to forgive is beautiful it gives us the opportunity to free ourselves from all sort of negative feelings, let go of the past and live a better present.

It is filled with amazing benefits and when you look into it, you realize that it is more of a service to ourselves than it is to the person we are forgiving.

However, when we talk about forgiveness what first comes to our mind is forgiving others that have wronged or hurt us. While that is great, we often times miss out on an equally (or maybe more) important kind of that forgiveness; Forgiving our own selves.

You probably have learnt (and maybe practiced) how important it is to forgive people but for that forgiveness to be complete and genuine, you will have to start from yourself. Yes, you need (and deserve) your own forgiveness.

Forgiving yourself is the first step you take in healing from your pains, recovering from the mistakes you've made and freeing yourself from the hold that the past might have on you. That is one of the best gifts you can offer to yourself!!

Wondering What You Need To Forgive Youself Of?

For all the times you felt like you gave someone the opportunity to hurt you, forgive yourself. There is no way you could have known that they were gonna take that opportunity for granted, so don't live blaming yourself, find closure and let go of those pains (not so easy but it is possible).

For being the reason or contributing to someone else's pain, you need to forgive yourself. You can't go on living with guilt, it's not worth it. In fact, guilt does absolutely nothing in helping you or the person you have hurt heal.

For the mistakes, you've made and the poor decisions you took, forgive yourself. There was no way you could have seen that those steps you took were gonna end up being a mess, it's sad that it ended up being a disaster but beating yourself up won't straighten up the mistakes. And besides, there is only so much beatings your heart can take.

For putting yourself at the bottom of the list of the people you care for, forgive yourself. You deserve all the care you can get from yourself and for those times that you didn't get to care for yourself, forgive.

These aren't all, they are just a few examples. You will need to search deep and find the things you need to forgive yourself of.

Forgiving and letting go is one of the hardest yet most freeing thing you can do. It becomes even harder when the forgiveness we are offering is to our own self. You may recieve forgiveness from people (or God) but when you don't forgive yourself you will not be able to enjoy the freedom you get from being forgiven.

Though it is one of the hardest things to practice, engraved in it are great rewards that you wouldn't wanna miss out on; you get to live a more joyful life filled with light and love for yourself and others as well, you connect better with your loved ones, you get to be a peace with yourself and the people around you, etc.

You may stumble, you may get hurt, you may make mistakes, you may fall hard, but you will rise again, so, forgive yourself and free yourself from that cage you created.


Much Love, Audrey

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