How Often Do You Have Fun?

Fun means different things to different people, so also are the ways we have fun. But one thing is for sure, the intent of having fun is almost always similar- To relax, unwind, worry less, the pleasurable experience...

Fun is something we are not supposed to rule out of our lives but sadly, many of us have, It's something we tend to do once we are faced with "the harsh realities of life" Some of us can't even remember when the last had fun or laughed really had, we can't even remember what it feels like. How sad...

I know life can get "tough" atimes, you are way too busy doing really "important" things that you find it had to spare some time, go out there and have a taste of the other side of life (the fun part).

And it is no fault of yours, it's actually easy for us to get caught up in all the responsibilities we need to keep up with and the day to day chaos we subject ourselves to.

The ability to have fun is something we have been born with but it seems like we've all thrown it to the wind as soon as we started "growing up", we need to reignite that ability.

Fun to one might seem like "torture" to another and that goes to explain our differences as humans. So when it comes to having fun, you just have to find what works for you and stick to it (and explore it). You don't have to indulge in it if it's not your type of fun because that will defeat the whole idea of having fun- the pleasurable experience.

Having fun is often perceived by others as inappropriate or silly or even "unserious" but it really isn't. You can still have fun and work hard. You just need to find your "okay point". Your balance.

Don't let your life follow the "wake up. Go to work (or school). Eat Lunch. Come Home. Eat dinner. Sleep" pattern. That life isn't worth living. Hearing it seems boring (and stressful) enough, not to talk of living it.

It's so funny that we always want to get the full package when subscribing for a service or getting a product and we do our best to get the most out of it. But with life, we have the full package for free and we often times leave out those details that add depth and excitement to our lives. They don't seem like a priority. But is that really true? Maybe we need to review our priority list.

Having fun isn't only recreational, its empowering as well. It will make you feel younger, you feel satisfied with life, worry less, feel more energetic and even smarter. Now, you don't wanna miss out on that. Your body needs a bit of fun (or maybe a lot) to thrive.

As you put your all trying to make things work out, make out time to go out there and have fun. Here is me telling you to go out there and give your life a spin by having fun.


Much Love, Audrey

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