Project loveletters #7 - His response


Madrid, 7 de Octubre de 1978

Cherè Irene:

J’espere que ton famille et toi, que vous soyez bien.

I could not start writing you in September because I have very problems with my father. (I am sorry for that).

19 September, je reçu ta lettre et le photo. Merci pour elle, est une bon photo. Je commence cette lettre a dix heures, du samedi. J’etait seul a la Ministery et j’avais rien de faire. Je voulaix ecrire a toi avant, mais j’etait ennuyé (tu me comprend?).

Mes vacances ils sont finis, et je n’ai fait pas rien. Tout les jours, je resté a chez moi. J’ai allée au cinema, pour voir,”Grease” and otres trés amusants. Deux fois ou discotheque et rien plus. Tu peut voir, que je m’ai ennuyé un peu.

Maintenant, in Madrid, I must work in the office, and with my Friends militer, I am more tranquille. For the after-noon,I go to learn Inglés a school. After I go to gymnastique.

You found Spanish word in the dictionary, Sache as: En quiebra, pronostico del tiempo, yo ir no jamás…etc
Je suis surprise. (bien, trés bien).

“I never go to the church”. The word “not”, en españa is “no”(good), but I go not never (I want to sei) Yo no voy nunca. (all right) ok!

I am very préocupé, because je suis cherchónt un job. Mon service finich in 15-3-79. Que fairé dans ce moment? Ne le se pas.
Bien, je te veux dire, j’ai four brothers. Mario c’est studiant dans l’université. Second course. Nuria work the secretariat. Jaime y Jordi (il est subnormal) ils vont au college de petits.

Mario is 18 year (man)
Nuria is 16 year (woman
Jaime is 8 year (man)
Jordi is 8 year (man)


Irene, excuse-moi pour tout, s’il vous plait. Je veux finir cette letter. J’espere que tu m’ecrit encore une letter biêntot.

Tot ziens Irene
Veel liefs Jesús

P.D. I send you, two photo my the militer. When I have one better, I send you, Ok?


Dear Irene

I hope that you and your family are well.

I could not start writing you in September because I have very problems with my father. (I am sorry for that).

September 19th, I received your letter and the photo. Thank you it’s a good picture. I begin this letter at ten o'clock on Saturday. I was alone at the Ministry and I had nothing to do. I wanted to write to you before, but I was annoyed (you understand me?).

My holidays are over, and I did not do anything. Every day I stayed at home. I went to the cinema, to see, "Grease" and others movies very amusing. Twice to the discotheque and nothing more. You can see, I was a little bored.

Now, in Madrid, I must work in the office, and with my military friends, I am more quiet. For the after-noon, I go to learn English at school. Afterwards I go to gymnastics.

You found Spanish words in the dictionary, such as: “En quiebra, pronostico del tiempo, yo ir no jamás…etc”
I am surprised. (very very good).

"I never go to the church". The word "not", in Spain is "no" (good), but I meant to say I never go. (All right) ok!

I am very worried, because I am looking for a job. My service finishes in 15-3-79. What to then? I don’t know.

Well, I will tell you, I have four brothers. Mario is a student in the university. Second class. Nuria works as a secretary. Jaime and Jordi (they are subnormal) they go to special school.

Irene, esxuse me for everything, please. I am going to finish this letter. I hope you write me again soon.
Talk to you soon Irene
With love Jesús

P.D. I send you, two photos of me as military. When I have a better one, I will send it to you, Ok?

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You can also read the other letters here:

Letter #1
Letter #2
Letter #3
Letter #4
Letter #5
Letter #6

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also covered her signature for protection.

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