The Beauty Of Being Open-Minded

With each day that passes by, new ideas are birthed, new innovations are being put in place, new things are discovered etc. Changes just keep happening! And for us to really grasp and enjoy all the benefits that come with these changes, one has to be open-minded.

Aside from that, while living our lives we do come across people with views different from ours, conflicting values and beliefs etc. And to be able to hear (and maybe learn) from these people that we come across, we will need to have an open mind.

Being open-minded isn't an easy practice at all, we already have our own set of values, belief and understanding of life which we most times hold dear. And often times, hearing a view different from us seems like we are pushing our own views aside. But its not so!

Being open-minded doesn't mean accepting and believing all the ideas that come your way, in fact, that's a contradiction of open-mindedness. It just means letting the other person to freely express their view, you processing the idea and seeing if there is anything of value to you (or to the world) in it.

I would have loved to say that I am an extremely open-minded person but unfortunately, I am not completely open-minded (I mean, no one is perfect right?). Just like most of us, I have my own beliefs too but I do try to practice being open-minded more frequently.

There is so much beauty in being open-minded and I wish I could practice it more often to get more of that beauty; the meaningful conversations you have with people, the things you are able to learn, the opportunity you are able to get hold of (before they pass you by) and the peace you will enjoy with others.

I will want to believe most of us here are open-minded to an extent because well, this platform clearly isn't a conventional one but we stepped out to give this new and unconventional social media a try. That is being open-minded!

We see life more in its beauty when we are able to approach it with an open mind!

Still Wondering Why You Should Practice Open-Mindedness? You Might Wanna Check Some Of the Benefits

1. You Learn More

Learning is a huge aspect of our lives and as long as we are alive, we keep learning, developing and trying to make ourselves better. A narrow-minded person might never get around learning much, you will see a whole lot of learning opportunities (even when it seems like there is none). You are no longer scared of making mistakes again because you know you will only learn from it. That also helps with personal growth!

2. A Healthier Relationship With People

Being open-minded lets you allow people to be themselves, feel free and be expressive etc.. And that contributes to making relationships better and healthy.

3. More Opportunities

Open-minded people tend to spot opportunities faster. With an open mind, you are not scared of making mistakes or taking risks, you welcome ideas, process them and spot that sparkle in them. And when you do, you don't let them slip away, you go after them!

4. No More Forced Conversations

I believe we are all tired of empty conversations which clearly doesn't convey our views, or the pressure to please the listener (by saying what they want to hear, even if that's not what we really want to say). Well, when you are around open-minded people, you feel the freedom to be you without the fear of judgments and share your views even if they might seem ridiculous. So, practice more of that, you might even inspire someone to be more open-minded!

5. You Get More Out Of Life

Being narrow-minded is limiting, it keeps you from living life to the fullest, that's because you tend to live your life in a box you have created for yourself. No adventures, No new ideas, etc. But there is life outside that "box" and it's exciting and beautiful. Be open minded so you can join in the excitement, you will have more to be grateful for!

Practising open-mindedness needs tolerance, patience and humility, it might come to others more naturally while others struggle with it.

Don't let yourself get lost in the small world you've created for yourself, there is something else out there (and maybe beautiful) but you will need to open your heart and mind to be able to see that. Don't miss out on that!


Much Love, Audrey

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